oaidp-config.php File Reference

Configuration file of current data provider. More...


enum  MAXIDS


 $identifyResponse = array()
 $compression = null

Detailed Description

This is the configuration file for the PHP OAI Data Provider. Please read through the WHOLE file, there are several things, that need to be adjusted.

The response may may be compressed for better performace:

Some other used variables:

The rest of settings will not normally need to be adjusted. Read source code for details.

Constant Documentation

Whether to show error message for dubug. For installation, testing and debuging set SHOW_QUERY_ERROR to TRUE If set to TRUE, application will die and display query and database error message as soon as there is a problem. Do not set this to TRUE on a production site, since it will show error messages to everybody. If set FALSE, will create XML-output, no matter what happens.

The content-type the WWW-server delivers back. For debug-puposes, "text/plain" is easier to view. On a production site you should use "text/xml".


Maximum mumber of the records to deliver (verb is ListRecords) If there are more records to deliver a ResumptionToken will be generated.


Maximum mumber of identifiers to deliver (verb is ListIdentifiers) If there are more identifiers to deliver a ResumptionToken will be generated.

After 24 hours resumptionTokens become invalid. Unit is second.

Where token is saved and path is included

Variable Documentation

$identifyResponse = array()

Identifier settings. It needs to have proper values to reflect the settings of the data provider.

  • $identifyResponse['repositoryName'] : compulsory. A human readable name for the repository;
  • $identifyResponse['baseURL'] : compulsory. The base URL of the repository;
  • $identifyResponse['protocolVersion'] : compulsory. The version of the OAI-PMH supported by the repository;
  • $identifyResponse['earliestDatestamp'] : compulsory. A UTCdatetime that is the guaranteed lower limit of all datestamps recording changes, modifications, or deletions in the repository. A repository must not use datestamps lower than the one specified by the content of the earliestDatestamp element. earliestDatestamp must be expressed at the finest granularity supported by the repository.
  • $identifyResponse['deletedRecord'] : the manner in which the repository supports the notion of deleted records. Legitimate values are no ; transient ; persistent with meanings defined in the section on deletion.
  • $identifyResponse['granularity'] : the finest harvesting granularity supported by the repository. The legitimate values are YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with meanings as defined in ISO8601.
$compression = null

Compression methods supported. Optional (multiple). Default: null.

Currently only gzip is supported (you need output buffering turned on, and php compiled with libgz). The client MUST send "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to actually receive

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Generated on Thu Jun 16 12:49:22 2011 for OAI PHP by  doxygen 1.6.3