File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
ands_rifcs.phpClasses related to generating RIF-CS XML response file for ANDS
ands_tpa.phpClasses related to generating RIF-CS XML response file for ANDS from repository. It also serves as an exmaple how class ANDS_RIFCS can be used in a particular case
getrecord.phpResponse to Verb GetRecord
identify.phpResponse to Verb Identify
index.phpDefault starting point of OAI Data Provider for a human to check
listmetadataformats.phpResponse to Verb ListMetadataFormats
listrecords.phpResponse to Verb ListRecords
listsets.phpResponse to Verb ListSets
oai2.phpOAI Data Provider command processor
oaidp-config.phpConfiguration file of current data provider
oaidp-util.phpUtilities for the OAI Data Provider
record_dc.phpDefinition of Dublin Core handler
record_rif.phpDefinition of RIF-CS handler
xml_creater.phpFunctions and class related to generating XML response file
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Generated on Thu Jun 16 12:49:22 2011 for OAI PHP by  doxygen 1.6.3