ANDS_XML Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ANDS_XML:
ANDS_Error_XML ANDS_Response_XML

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($par_array)
 addChild ($mom_node, $name, $value='')
 create_request ($par_array)
 display ()

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

A wraper of DOMDocument for data provider

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ANDS_XML::__construct ( par_array  ) 

Constructs an ANDS_XML object.

$par_array Type: array. Array of request parameters for creating an ANDS_XML object.
See also:

Member Function Documentation

ANDS_XML::addChild ( mom_node,
value = '' 

Add a child node to a parent node on a XML Doc: a worker function.

$mom_node Type: DOMNode. The target node.
$name Type: string. The name of child nade is being added
$value Type: string. Text for the adding node if it is a text node.
DOMElement $added_node The newly created node, can be used for further expansion. If no further expansion is expected, return value can be igored.
ANDS_XML::create_request ( par_array  ) 

Create an OAI request node.

$par_array Type: array The attributes of a request node. They describe the verb of the request and other associated parameters used in the request. Keys of the array define attributes, and values are their content.
ANDS_XML::display (  ) 

Display a doc in a readable, well-formatted way for display or saving

Member Data Documentation


Type: DOMDocument. Handle of current XML Document object

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