PSR-15 Queue



The intended and recommended way of re-using this package is via Composer. The following command will get you the latest version and make it a dependency of your project. It will also request all dependencies and register all classes with the autoloader to make them available inside the application.

# This will install the latest stable version suitable for your project
composer require "opencultureconsulting/psr15"

If you want to use a specific version other than the latest available for your environment, you can do so by appending the desired version constraint:

# This will install the latest patch level version of 1.1 (i. e. >=1.1.0 && <1.2.0)
composer require "opencultureconsulting/psr15:~1.1"

All available versions as well as further information about Requirements and dependencies can be found on Packagist.


Alternatively, you can fetch the files from GitHub and add them to your project manually. The best way is by cloning the repository, because then you can easily update to a newer version by just pulling the changes and checking out a different version tag.

# This will clone the repository into the "psr15" directory
git clone psr15

If you want to use a specific version other than the latest development state, you have to specify the desired tag as well:

# This will clone the repository state at version "1.1.0" into the "psr15" directory
git clone --branch=v1.1.0 psr15

Be aware that you also need to make the classes available in your application by either adding them to your autoloader or by including all files individually in PHP. Also don't forget to do the same for all Requirements.


As a last resort you can also just download the files. You can find all available versions as well as the current development state on the GitHub release page.

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