PSR-15 Queue


The AbstractMiddleware is a little helper for creating your own middlewares. It processes the incoming request before handing it over to the next middleware in line, and later processes the response before returning it to the previous middleware. Originally both methods just return their argument unchanged, so you should implement either one of them or both as needed.

The AbstractMiddleware implements the Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface following PHP-FIG's recommendation PSR-15: HTTP Server Request Handlers.


The AbstractMiddleware has a single protected property AbstractMiddleware::requestHandler referencing the request handler which called the middleware. This can be used to access the request and/or response object (as properties of QueueRequestHandler) when they are otherwise not available.


The AbstractMiddleware provides one public API method and two protected methods. While the former is final and makes sure it implements the Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface , the latter are intended to be extended in your own class.

The main AbstractMiddleware::process() method implements the interface and is also called when invoking the middleware object directly. It first passes the incoming request to the AbstractMiddleware::processRequest() method, then hands over the result to the request handler to receive a response, which is then processed by AbstractMiddleware::processResponse() before returning it back to the request handler again.

Processing a Request

The default method of AbstractMiddleware just returns the request unchanged. If you need to process the request, you have to implement your own processRequest() method. It takes a request object as only argument and must return a valid request object as well. Just make sure it follows PHP-FIG's standard recommendation PSR-7: HTTP Message Interfaces and implements the Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface .

Processing a Response

The default method of AbstractMiddleware just returns the response unchanged. If you need to process the response, you have to implement your own processResponse() method. It takes a response object as only argument and must return a valid response object as well. Just make sure it follows PHP-FIG's standard recommendation PSR-7: HTTP Message Interfaces and implements the Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface .

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