.. title:: Error Handlers Error and Exception Handlers ############################ .. sidebar:: API Documentation * :php:class:`OCC\Basics\ErrorHandlers\ThrowErrorException` ThrowErrorException =================== *Throws internal errors as exceptions.* If registered as error handler, this handles an internal PHP error by converting it into an `\ErrorException `_. It respects the `error_reporting `_ directive by only throwing an exception if the severity of the internal error is the same or higher than the setting. Usage: .. code-block:: php set_error_handler(new ThrowErrorException()); .. caution:: By design user-defined error handlers can't handle errors of severity `E_ERROR`, `E_PARSE`, `E_CORE_ERROR`, `E_CORE_WARNING`, `E_COMPILE_ERROR`, `E_COMPILE_WARNING` and most of `E_STRICT`. .. sidebar:: API Documentation * :php:class:`OCC\Basics\ErrorHandlers\TriggerExceptionError` TriggerExceptionError ===================== *Triggers errors for uncaught exceptions.* If registered as exception handler, this catches an uncaught exception and converts it into an internal PHP error of severity `E_USER_ERROR`. Usage: .. code-block:: php set_exception_handler(new TriggerExceptionError());