* Copyright (C) 2011 Jianfeng Li * Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Neis Araujo * Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Meyer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class OAI2XMLResponse { public $doc; // DOMDocument. Handle of current XML Document object public function __construct($uri, $verb, $request_args) { $this->verb = $verb; $this->doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $oai_node = $this->doc->createElement('OAI-PMH'); $oai_node->setAttribute('xmlns', 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/'); $oai_node->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'); $oai_node->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd'); $this->addChild($oai_node, 'responseDate', gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z')); $this->doc->appendChild($oai_node); $request = $this->addChild($this->doc->documentElement, 'request', $uri); if (!empty($this->verb)) { $request->setAttribute('verb', $this->verb); } foreach($request_args as $key => $value) { $request->setAttribute($key, $value); } } /** * Add a child node to a parent node on a XML Doc: a worker function. * * @param $mom_node Type: DOMNode. The target node. * @param $name Type: string. The name of child node is being added * @param $value Type: string. Text for the adding node if it is a text node. * * @return DOMElement $added_node * The newly created node */ function addChild($mom_node, $name, $value = '') { $added_node = $this->doc->createElement($name, $value); $added_node = $mom_node->appendChild($added_node); return $added_node; } /** * Add direct child nodes to verb node (OAI-PMH), e.g. response to ListMetadataFormats. * Different verbs can have different required child nodes. * @see create_record, create_header * * @param $nodeName Type: string. The name of appending node. * @param $value Type: string. The content of appending node. */ function addToVerbNode($nodeName, $value = null) { if (!isset($this->verbNode) && !empty($this->verb)) { $this->verbNode = $this->addChild($this->doc->documentElement, $this->verb); } return $this->addChild($this->verbNode, $nodeName, $value); } /** * Headers are enclosed inside of to the query of ListRecords, ListIdentifiers and etc. * * @param $identifier Type: string. The identifier string for node . * @param $timestamp Type: timestamp. Timestapme in UTC format for node . * @param $add_to_node Type: DOMElement. Default value is null. * In normal cases, $add_to_node is the node created previously. * When it is null, the newly created header node is attatched to $this->verbNode. * Otherwise it will be attatched to the desired node defined in $add_to_node. */ function createHeader($identifier, $timestamp, $add_to_node = null) { if(is_null($add_to_node)) { $header_node = $this->addToVerbNode('header'); } else { $header_node = $this->addChild($add_to_node, 'header'); } $this->addChild($header_node, 'identifier', $identifier); $this->addChild($header_node, 'datestamp', $timestamp); return $header_node; } /** * If there are too many records request could not finished a resumpToken is generated to let harvester know * * @param $token Type: string. A random number created somewhere? * @param $expirationdatetime Type: string. A string representing time. * @param $num_rows Type: integer. Number of records retrieved. * @param $cursor Type: string. Cursor can be used for database to retrieve next time. */ function createResumptionToken($token, $expirationdatetime, $num_rows, $cursor = null) { $resump_node = $this->addChild($this->verbNode, 'resumptionToken', $token); if(isset($expirationdatetime)) { $resump_node->setAttribute('expirationDate', $expirationdatetime); } $resump_node->setAttribute('completeListSize', $num_rows); $resump_node->setAttribute('cursor', $cursor); } /** * Imports a XML fragment into a parent node on a XML Doc: a worker function. * * @param $mom_node Type: DOMNode. The target node. * @param $fragment Type: DOMDocument. The XML fragment is being added * * @return DOMElement $added_node * The newly created node */ function importFragment($mom_node, $fragment) { $added_node = $mom_node->appendChild($this->doc->importNode($fragment->documentElement, true)); return $added_node; } }