$repositoryIdentifier : For a data provider there is only one. For repositories to comply with the oai * format it has to be unique identifiers for items records. Basically using domainname will be fine. * See: http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-oai-identifier.htm. * * The rest of settings will not normally need to be adjusted. Read source code for details. */ /** * Whether to show error message for dubug. * For installation, testing and debuging set SHOW_QUERY_ERROR to TRUE * If set to TRUE, application will die and display query and database error message * as soon as there is a problem. Do not set this to TRUE on a production site, * since it will show error messages to everybody. * If set FALSE, will create XML-output, no matter what happens. */ // If everything is running ok, you should use this define('SHOW_QUERY_ERROR',FALSE); /** * \property CONTENT_TYPE * The content-type the WWW-server delivers back. For debug-puposes, "text/plain" * is easier to view. On a production site you should use "text/xml". */ #define('CONTENT_TYPE','Content-Type: text/plain'); // If everything is running ok, you should use this define('CONTENT_TYPE', 'Content-Type: text/xml'); /** * Identifier settings. It needs to have proper values to reflect the settings of the data provider. * * - $identifyResponse['repositoryName'] : compulsory. A human readable name for the repository; * - $identifyResponse['baseURL'] : compulsory. The base URL of the repository; * - $identifyResponse['protocolVersion'] : compulsory. The version of the OAI-PMH supported by the repository; * - $identifyResponse['earliestDatestamp'] : compulsory. A UTCdatetime that is the guaranteed lower limit of all datestamps recording changes, modifications, or deletions in the repository. A repository must not use datestamps lower than the one specified by the content of the earliestDatestamp element. earliestDatestamp must be expressed at the finest granularity supported by the repository. * - $identifyResponse['deletedRecord'] : the manner in which the repository supports the notion of deleted records. Legitimate values are no ; transient ; persistent with meanings defined in the section on deletion. * - $identifyResponse['granularity'] : the finest harvesting granularity supported by the repository. The legitimate values are YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with meanings as defined in ISO8601. * */ $identifyResponse = array(); // MUST (only one) // please adjust $identifyResponse["repositoryName"] = 'Moodle Neis'; // For ANDS to harvest of RIF-CS, originatingSource is plantaccelerator.org.au // $dataSource = "plantaccelerator.org.au"; define('DATASOURCE','dev2.moodle.ufsc.br'); // do not change define('MY_URI','http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); // You can use a static URI as well. // $baseURL = "http://my.server.org/oai/oai2.php"; $identifyResponse["baseURL"] = MY_URI; // do not change $identifyResponse["protocolVersion"] = '2.0'; // must exist before earliestDatestamp $identifyResponse['adminEmail'] = 'danielneis@gmail.com'; // MUST (only one) // the earliest datestamp in your repository, // please adjust // Only date is needed even later it will be formatted according to the granularity. $identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"] = '2013-01-01T12:00:00Z'; // How your repository handles deletions // no: The repository does not maintain status about deletions. // It MUST NOT reveal a deleted status. // persistent: The repository persistently keeps track about deletions // with no time limit. It MUST consistently reveal the status // of a deleted record over time. // transient: The repository does not guarantee that a list of deletions is // maintained. It MAY reveal a deleted status for records. // // If your database keeps track of deleted records change accordingly. // Currently if $record['deleted'] is set to 'true', $status_deleted is set. // Some lines in listidentifiers.php, listrecords.php, getrecords.php // must be changed to fit the condition for your database. $identifyResponse["deletedRecord"] = 'no'; $deletedRecord = $identifyResponse["deletedRecord"]; // a shorthand for checking the configuration of Deleted Records // MAY (only one) //granularity is days //$granularity = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; // granularity is seconds $identifyResponse["granularity"] = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ'; // this is appended if your granularity is seconds. // do not change if (strcmp($identifyResponse["granularity"],'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ')==0) { // $identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"] = $identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"].'T00:00:00Z'; } /** Compression methods supported. Optional (multiple). Default: null. * * Currently only gzip is supported (you need output buffering turned on, * and php compiled with libgz). * The client MUST send "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to actually receive */ // $compression = array('gzip'); $compression = null; // MUST (only one) // You may choose any name, but for repositories to comply with the oai // format it has to be unique identifiers for items records. // see: http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-oai-identifier.htm // Basically use domainname // please adjust $repositoryIdentifier = 'dev2.moodle.ufsc.br.'; // For RIF-CS, especially with ANDS, each registryObject much has a group for the ownership of data. // For detail please see ANDS guide on its web site. Each data provider should have only one REG_OBJ_GROUP // for this purpose. define('REG_OBJ_GROUP','Something agreed on'); // If Identifier needs to show NODE description. It is defined in identify.php // You may include details about your community and friends (other // data-providers). // Please check identify.php for other possible containers // in the Identify response $show_identifier = false; // MUST (only one) // should not be changed. Only useful when NODE description is included in the response to Identifier $delimiter = ':'; /** Maximum mumber of the records to deliver * (verb is ListRecords) * If there are more records to deliver * a ResumptionToken will be generated. */ define('MAXRECORDS',10); /** Maximum mumber of identifiers to deliver * (verb is ListIdentifiers) * If there are more identifiers to deliver * a ResumptionToken will be generated. */ define('MAXIDS',40); /** After 24 hours resumptionTokens become invalid. Unit is second. */ define('TOKEN_VALID',24*3600); $expirationdatetime = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%TZ', time()+TOKEN_VALID); /** Where token is saved and path is included */ define('TOKEN_PREFIX','/tmp/ANDS_DBPD-'); // The shorthand of xml schema namespace, no need to change this define('XMLSCHEMA', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance');