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synced 2025-03-09 00:00:20 +01:00
E assim eh validado pelo dspace
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ foreach($identifyResponse as $key => $val) {
$outputObj->add2_verbNode($key, $val);
foreach($adminEmail as $val) {
$outputObj->add2_verbNode("adminEmail", $val);
if(isset($compression)) {
foreach($compression as $val) {
$outputObj->add2_verbNode("compression", $val);
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ require_once('oaidp-config.php');
// Create a PDO object
try {
$db = new PDO($DSN);
$db = new PDO($DSN, $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWD);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
exit('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
@ -10,35 +10,35 @@
* The response may may be compressed for better performace:
* - Compression : a compression encoding supported by the repository. The recommended values are those defined for the Content-Encoding header in Section 14.11 of RFC 2616 describing HTTP 1.1. A compression element should not be included for the identity encoding, which is implied.
* Some other used variables:
* - <B>$adminEmail</B>: the e-mail addresses of administrators of the repository.
* - <b>$repositoryIdentifier</b> : For a data provider there is only one. For repositories to comply with the oai
* - <b>$repositoryIdentifier</b> : For a data provider there is only one. For repositories to comply with the oai
* format it has to be unique identifiers for items records. Basically using domainname will be fine.
* See: http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-oai-identifier.htm.
* - <b>$SETS</b>: An array with key words . List of supported SETs.
* - <b>$METADATAFORMATS</b>: List of supported metadata formats. It is a two-dimensional array with keys.
* Each supported format is one element of this array at the first dimension.
* The key is the name of a metadata format.
* Each supported format is one element of this array at the first dimension.
* The key is the name of a metadata format.
* The exact number of items within each format associated array depends on the nature of a metadata format.
* Most definitions are done here but handlers themselves are defined in separated files because only the names of PHP script are listed here.
* - metadataPrefix
* - schema
* - metadataNamespace
* - myhandler
* - other optional items: record_prefix, record_namespace and etc.
* - metadataPrefix
* - schema
* - metadataNamespace
* - myhandler
* - other optional items: record_prefix, record_namespace and etc.
* - <b>$SQL</b>: Settings for database and queries from database
* - <b>$DSN</b>: DSN for connecting your database. Reference PDO for details.
* The rest of settings will not normally need to be adjusted. Read source code for details.
* Whether to show error message for dubug.
@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
// If everything is running ok, you should use this
* \property CONTENT_TYPE
* The content-type the WWW-server delivers back. For debug-puposes, "text/plain"
* The content-type the WWW-server delivers back. For debug-puposes, "text/plain"
* is easier to view. On a production site you should use "text/xml".
#define('CONTENT_TYPE','Content-Type: text/plain');
@ -75,91 +75,89 @@ $identifyResponse = array();
// MUST (only one)
// please adjust
$identifyResponse["repositoryName"] = 'Your organisation';
$identifyResponse["repositoryName"] = 'Moodle Dev2';
// For ANDS to harvest of RIF-CS, originatingSource is plantaccelerator.org.au
// $dataSource = "plantaccelerator.org.au";
// do not change
// You can use a static URI as well.
// $baseURL = "http://my.server.org/oai/oai2.php";
// $baseURL = "http://my.server.org/oai/oai2.php";
$identifyResponse["baseURL"] = MY_URI;
// do not change
$identifyResponse["protocolVersion"] = '2.0';
// must exist before earliestDatestamp
$identifyResponse['adminEmail'] = 'danielneis@gmail.com';
// MUST (only one)
// the earliest datestamp in your repository,
// please adjust
// Only date is needed even later it will be formatted according to the granularity.
$identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"] = '2011-01-01';
$identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"] = '2013-01-01T12:00:00Z';
// How your repository handles deletions
// no: The repository does not maintain status about deletions.
// It MUST NOT reveal a deleted status.
// persistent: The repository persistently keeps track about deletions
// with no time limit. It MUST consistently reveal the status
// of a deleted record over time.
// transient: The repository does not guarantee that a list of deletions is
// maintained. It MAY reveal a deleted status for records.
// no: The repository does not maintain status about deletions.
// It MUST NOT reveal a deleted status.
// persistent: The repository persistently keeps track about deletions
// with no time limit. It MUST consistently reveal the status
// of a deleted record over time.
// transient: The repository does not guarantee that a list of deletions is
// maintained. It MAY reveal a deleted status for records.
// If your database keeps track of deleted records change accordingly.
// Currently if $record['deleted'] is set to 'true', $status_deleted is set.
// Some lines in listidentifiers.php, listrecords.php, getrecords.php
// Some lines in listidentifiers.php, listrecords.php, getrecords.php
// must be changed to fit the condition for your database.
$identifyResponse["deletedRecord"] = 'no';
$identifyResponse["deletedRecord"] = 'no';
$deletedRecord = $identifyResponse["deletedRecord"]; // a shorthand for checking the configuration of Deleted Records
// MAY (only one)
//granularity is days
//$granularity = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
// granularity is seconds
$identifyResponse["granularity"] = 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ';
$identifyResponse["granularity"] = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
// this is appended if your granularity is seconds.
// do not change
if (strcmp($identifyResponse["granularity"],'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ')==0) {
$identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"] = $identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"].'T00:00:00Z';
$identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"] = $identifyResponse["earliestDatestamp"].'T00:00:00Z';
// MUST (multiple)
// please adjust
$adminEmail = array('some.one@contact.com');
/** Compression methods supported. Optional (multiple). Default: null.
* Currently only gzip is supported (you need output buffering turned on,
* and php compiled with libgz).
* The client MUST send "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to actually receive
// $compression = array('gzip');
* Currently only gzip is supported (you need output buffering turned on,
* and php compiled with libgz).
* The client MUST send "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to actually receive
// $compression = array('gzip');
$compression = null;
// MUST (only one)
// You may choose any name, but for repositories to comply with the oai
// format it has to be unique identifiers for items records.
// You may choose any name, but for repositories to comply with the oai
// format it has to be unique identifiers for items records.
// see: http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-oai-identifier.htm
// Basically use domainname
// please adjust
$repositoryIdentifier = 'url.organisation.';
$repositoryIdentifier = 'dev2.moodle.ufsc.br.';
// For RIF-CS, especially with ANDS, each registryObject much has a group for the ownership of data.
// For detail please see ANDS guide on its web site. Each data provider should have only one REG_OBJ_GROUP
// for this purpose.
define('REG_OBJ_GROUP','Something agreed on');
// If Identifier needs to show NODE description. It is defined in identify.php
// If Identifier needs to show NODE description. It is defined in identify.php
// You may include details about your community and friends (other
// data-providers).
// Please check identify.php for other possible containers
// Please check identify.php for other possible containers
// in the Identify response
$show_identifier = false;
// MUST (only one)
// should not be changed. Only useful when NODE description is included in the response to Identifier
$delimiter = ':';
$delimiter = ':';
/** Maximum mumber of the records to deliver
* (verb is ListRecords)
@ -177,63 +175,65 @@ define('MAXIDS',40);
/** After 24 hours resumptionTokens become invalid. Unit is second. */
$expirationdatetime = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%TZ', time()+TOKEN_VALID);
$expirationdatetime = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%TZ', time()+TOKEN_VALID);
/** Where token is saved and path is included */
// define all supported sets in your repository
$SETS = array (
array('setSpec'=>'class:activity', 'setName'=>'Activities'),
array('setSpec'=>'class:collection', 'setName'=>'Collections'),
array('setSpec'=>'class:party', 'setName'=>'Parties')/*,
array('setSpec'=>'phdthesis', 'setName'=>'PHD Thesis', 'setDescription'=>'<oai_dc:dc
<dc:description>This set contains metadata describing electronic music recordings made during the 1950ies</dc:description>
</oai_dc:dc>') //,
// array('setSpec'=>'math', 'setName'=>'Mathematics') ,
// array('setSpec'=>'phys', 'setName'=>'Physics')
$SETS = array (
array('setSpec'=>'class:activity', 'setName'=>'Activities'),
array('setSpec'=>'class:collection', 'setName'=>'Collections'),
array('setSpec'=>'class:party', 'setName'=>'Parties')
array('setSpec'=>'phdthesis', 'setName'=>'PHD Thesis', 'setDescription'=>'<oai_dc:dc
<dc:description>This set contains metadata describing electronic music recordings made during the 1950ies</dc:description>
</oai_dc:dc>') //,
// array('setSpec'=>'math', 'setName'=>'Mathematics') ,
// array('setSpec'=>'phys', 'setName'=>'Physics')
// define all supported metadata formats, has to be an array
// myhandler is the name of the file that handles the request for the
// myhandler is the name of the file that handles the request for the
// specific metadata format.
// [record_prefix] describes an optional prefix for the metadata
// [record_namespace] describe the namespace for this prefix
'rif' => array('metadataPrefix'=>'rif',
'oai_dc' => array('metadataPrefix'=>'oai_dc',
'record_namespace' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'
'rif' => array('metadataPrefix'=>'rif',
'oai_dc' => array('metadataPrefix'=>'oai_dc',
'record_namespace' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'
if (!is_array($METADATAFORMATS)) { exit("Configuration of METADATAFORMAT has been wrongly set. Correct your ".__FILE__);}
// The shorthand of xml schema namespace, no need to change this
define('XMLSCHEMA', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance');
// change according to your local DB setup.
$DB_HOST = '';
$DB_USER = 'your-name';
$DB_PASSWD = 'your-pwd';
$DB_NAME = 'your-db';
$DB_HOST = '';
$DB_USER = '';
$DB_PASSWD = '';
$DB_NAME = '';
// Data Source Name: This is the universal connection string
// if you use something other than mysql edit accordingly.
@ -242,20 +242,20 @@ $DB_NAME = 'your-db';
// Example for Oracle
// $DSN = "oci8://$DB_USER:$DB_PASSWD@$DB_NAME";
$DSN = "pgsql:host=$DB_HOST;port=5432;dbname=$DB_NAME;user=$DB_USER;password=$DB_PASSWD";
$DSN = "mysql:host={$DB_HOST};dbname={$DB_NAME};port=3306;";
// the charset you store your metadata in your database
// currently only utf-8 and iso8859-1 are supported
$charset = "iso8859-1";
// if entities such as < > ' " in your metadata has already been escaped
// if entities such as < > ' " in your metadata has already been escaped
// then set this to true (e.g. you store < as < in your DB)
$xmlescaped = false;
// We store multiple entries for one element in a single row
// We store multiple entries for one element in a single row
// in the database. SQL['split'] lists the delimiter for these entries.
// If you do not do this, do not define $SQL['split']
// $SQL['split'] = ';';
// $SQL['split'] = ';';
// the name of the table where your store your metadata's header
$SQL['table'] = 'oai_headers';
@ -276,8 +276,8 @@ $idPrefix = '';
// oai:$repositoryIdentifier:$idPrefix$SQL['identifier']
// should not be changed
// Commented out 24/11/10 14:19:09
// $oaiprefix = "oai".$delimiter.$repositoryIdentifier.$delimiter.$idPrefix;
// Commented out 24/11/10 14:19:09
// $oaiprefix = "oai".$delimiter.$repositoryIdentifier.$delimiter.$idPrefix;
$oaiprefix = "";
// adjust anIdentifier with sample contents an identifier
@ -295,4 +295,3 @@ $SQL['deleted'] = 'deleted';
// the setnames are stored for each item
// the name of the column where you store sets
$SQL['set'] = 'oai_set';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user