
714 lines
27 KiB

// @ts-check
// Module w3c/headers
// Generate the headers material based on the provided configuration.
// - specStatus: the short code for the specification's maturity level or type (required)
// - shortName: the small name that is used after /TR/ in published reports (required)
// - editors: an array of people editing the document (at least one is required). People
// are defined using:
// - name: the person's name (required)
// - url: URI for the person's home page
// - company: the person's company
// - companyURL: the URI for the person's company
// - mailto: the person's email
// - note: a note on the person (e.g. former editor)
// - authors: an array of people who are contributing authors of the document.
// - formerEditors: an array of people that had earlier edited the document but no longer edit.
// - subtitle: a subtitle for the specification
// - publishDate: the date to use for the publication, default to document.lastModified, and
// failing that to now. The format is YYYY-MM-DD or a Date object.
// - previousPublishDate: the date on which the previous version was published.
// - previousMaturity: the specStatus of the previous version
// - errata: the URI of the errata document, if any
// - alternateFormats: a list of alternate formats for the document, each of which being
// defined by:
// - uri: the URI to the alternate
// - label: a label for the alternate
// - lang: optional language
// - type: optional MIME type
// - logos: a list of logos to use instead of the W3C logo, each of which being defined by:
// - src: the URI to the logo (target of <img src=>)
// - alt: alternate text for the image (<img alt=>), defaults to "Logo" or "Logo 1", "Logo 2", ...
// if src is not specified, this is the text of the "logo"
// - height: optional height of the logo (<img height=>)
// - width: optional width of the logo (<img width=>)
// - url: the URI to the organization represented by the logo (target of <a href=>)
// - id: optional id for the logo, permits custom CSS (wraps logo in <span id=>)
// - each logo element must specify either src or alt
// - testSuiteURI: the URI to the test suite, if any
// - implementationReportURI: the URI to the implementation report, if any
// - noRecTrack: set to true if this document is not intended to be on the Recommendation track
// - edDraftURI: the URI of the Editor's Draft for this document, if any. Required if
// specStatus is set to "ED".
// - additionalCopyrightHolders: a copyright owner in addition to W3C (or the only one if specStatus
// is unofficial)
// - overrideCopyright: provides markup to completely override the copyright
// - copyrightStart: the year from which the copyright starts running
// - prevED: the URI of the previous Editor's Draft if it has moved
// - prevRecShortname: the short name of the previous Recommendation, if the name has changed
// - prevRecURI: the URI of the previous Recommendation if not directly generated from
// prevRecShortname.
// - wg: the name of the WG in charge of the document. This may be an array in which case wgURI
// and wgPatentURI need to be arrays as well, of the same length and in the same order
// - wgURI: the URI to the group's page, or an array of such
// - wgPatentURI: the URI to the group's patent information page, or an array of such. NOTE: this
// is VERY IMPORTANT information to provide and get right, do not just paste this without checking
// that you're doing it right
// - wgPublicList: the name of the mailing list where discussion takes place. Note that this cannot
// be an array as it is assumed that there is a single list to discuss the document, even if it
// is handled by multiple groups
// - charterDisclosureURI: used for IGs (when publishing IG-NOTEs) to provide a link to the IPR commitment
// defined in their charter.
// - addPatentNote: used to add patent-related information to the SotD, for instance if there's an open
// PAG on the document.
// - thisVersion: the URI to the dated current version of the specification. ONLY ever use this for CG/BG
// documents, for all others it is autogenerated.
// - latestVersion: the URI to the latest (undated) version of the specification. ONLY ever use this for CG/BG
// documents, for all others it is autogenerated.
// - prevVersion: the URI to the previous (dated) version of the specification. ONLY ever use this for CG/BG
// documents, for all others it is autogenerated.
// - subjectPrefix: the string that is expected to be used as a subject prefix when posting to the mailing
// list of the group.
// - otherLinks: an array of other links that you might want in the header (e.g., link github, twitter, etc).
// Example of usage: [{key: "foo", href:"https://b"}, {key: "bar", href:"https://"}].
// Allowed values are:
// - key: the key for the <dt> (e.g., "Bug Tracker"). Required.
// - value: The value that will appear in the <dd> (e.g., "GitHub"). Optional.
// - href: a URL for the value (e.g., ""). Optional.
// - class: a string representing CSS classes. Optional.
// - license: can be one of the following
// - "cc-by", which is experimentally available in some groups (but likely to be phased out).
// Note that this is a dual licensing regime.
// - "cc0", an extremely permissive license. It is only recommended if you are working on a document that is
// intended to be pushed to the WHATWG.
// - "w3c-software", a permissive and attributions license (but GPL-compatible).
// - "w3c-software-doc", (default) the W3C Software and Document License
import { ISODate, concatDate, htmlJoinAnd } from "../core/utils.js";
import cgbgHeadersTmpl from "./templates/cgbg-headers.js";
import cgbgSotdTmpl from "./templates/cgbg-sotd.js";
import headersTmpl from "./templates/headers.js";
import { hyperHTML } from "../core/import-maps.js";
import { pub } from "../core/pubsubhub.js";
import sotdTmpl from "./templates/sotd.js";
export const name = "w3c/headers";
const W3CDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(["en-AU"], {
timeZone: "UTC",
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "2-digit",
const status2maturity = {
LS: "WD",
LD: "WD",
LC: "WD",
"WD-NOTE": "WD",
"LC-NOTE": "LC",
const status2rdf = {
NOTE: "w3p:NOTE",
WD: "w3p:WD",
LC: "w3p:LastCall",
CR: "w3p:CR",
PR: "w3p:PR",
REC: "w3p:REC",
PER: "w3p:PER",
const status2text = {
NOTE: "Working Group Note",
"WG-NOTE": "Working Group Note",
"CG-NOTE": "Co-ordination Group Note",
"IG-NOTE": "Interest Group Note",
"Member-SUBM": "Member Submission",
"Team-SUBM": "Team Submission",
MO: "Member-Only Document",
ED: "Editor's Draft",
LS: "Living Standard",
LD: "Living Document",
FPWD: "First Public Working Draft",
WD: "Working Draft",
"FPWD-NOTE": "Working Group Note",
"WD-NOTE": "Working Draft",
"LC-NOTE": "Working Draft",
FPLC: "First Public and Last Call Working Draft",
LC: "Last Call Working Draft",
CR: "Candidate Recommendation",
PR: "Proposed Recommendation",
PER: "Proposed Edited Recommendation",
REC: "Recommendation",
RSCND: "Rescinded Recommendation",
unofficial: "Unofficial Draft",
base: "Document",
finding: "TAG Finding",
"draft-finding": "Draft TAG Finding",
"CG-DRAFT": "Draft Community Group Report",
"CG-FINAL": "Final Community Group Report",
"BG-DRAFT": "Draft Business Group Report",
"BG-FINAL": "Final Business Group Report",
const status2long = {
"FPWD-NOTE": "First Public Working Group Note",
"LC-NOTE": "Last Call Working Draft",
const maybeRecTrack = ["FPWD", "WD"];
const recTrackStatus = ["FPLC", "LC", "CR", "PR", "PER", "REC"];
const noTrackStatus = [
const cgbg = ["CG-DRAFT", "CG-FINAL", "BG-DRAFT", "BG-FINAL"];
const precededByAn = ["ED", "IG-NOTE"];
const licenses = {
cc0: {
name: "Creative Commons 0 Public Domain Dedication",
short: "CC0",
url: "",
"w3c-software": {
name: "W3C Software Notice and License",
short: "W3C Software",
url: "",
"w3c-software-doc": {
name: "W3C Software and Document Notice and License",
short: "W3C Software and Document",
"cc-by": {
name: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License",
short: "CC-BY",
url: "",
const baseLogo = Object.freeze({
id: "",
alt: "",
href: "",
src: "",
height: "48",
width: "72",
* @param {*} conf
* @param {string} prop
* @param {string | number | Date} fallbackDate
function validateDateAndRecover(conf, prop, fallbackDate = new Date()) {
const date = conf[prop] ? new Date(conf[prop]) : new Date(fallbackDate);
// if date is valid
if (Number.isFinite(date.valueOf())) {
const formattedDate = ISODate.format(date);
return new Date(formattedDate);
const msg =
`[\`${prop}\`](${prop}) ` +
`is not a valid date: "${conf[prop]}". Expected format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.`;
pub("error", msg);
return new Date(ISODate.format(new Date()));
export function run(conf) {
conf.isUnofficial = conf.specStatus === "unofficial";
if (conf.isUnofficial && !Array.isArray(conf.logos)) {
conf.logos = [];
conf.isCCBY = conf.license === "cc-by";
conf.isW3CSoftAndDocLicense = conf.license === "w3c-software-doc";
if (["cc-by"].includes(conf.license)) {
let msg = `You cannot use license "\`${conf.license}\`" with W3C Specs. `;
msg += `Please set \`respecConfig.license: "w3c-software-doc"\` instead.`;
pub("error", msg);
conf.licenseInfo = licenses[conf.license];
conf.isCGBG = cgbg.includes(conf.specStatus);
conf.isCGFinal = conf.isCGBG && conf.specStatus.endsWith("G-FINAL");
conf.isBasic = conf.specStatus === "base";
conf.isRegular = !conf.isCGBG && !conf.isBasic;
if (!conf.specStatus) {
pub("error", "Missing required configuration: `specStatus`");
if (conf.isRegular && !conf.shortName) {
pub("error", "Missing required configuration: `shortName`");
if (conf.testSuiteURI) {
const url = new URL(conf.testSuiteURI, location.href);
const { host, pathname } = url;
if (
host === "" &&
) {
const msg =
"Web Platform Tests have moved to a new Github Organization at " +
"Please update your [`testSuiteURI`]( to point to the " +
`new tests repository (e.g.,${conf.shortName} ).`;
pub("warn", msg);
if (!conf.subtitle) conf.subtitle = "";
conf.publishDate = validateDateAndRecover(
conf.publishYear = conf.publishDate.getUTCFullYear();
conf.publishHumanDate = W3CDate.format(conf.publishDate);
conf.isNoTrack = noTrackStatus.includes(conf.specStatus);
conf.isRecTrack = conf.noRecTrack
? false
: recTrackStatus.concat(maybeRecTrack).includes(conf.specStatus);
conf.isMemberSubmission = conf.specStatus === "Member-SUBM";
if (conf.isMemberSubmission) {
const memSubmissionLogo = {
alt: "W3C Member Submission",
href: "",
src: "",
width: "211",
conf.logos.push({ ...baseLogo, ...memSubmissionLogo });
conf.isTeamSubmission = conf.specStatus === "Team-SUBM";
if (conf.isTeamSubmission) {
const teamSubmissionLogo = {
alt: "W3C Team Submission",
href: "",
src: "",
width: "211",
conf.logos.push({ ...baseLogo, ...teamSubmissionLogo });
conf.isSubmission = conf.isMemberSubmission || conf.isTeamSubmission;
conf.anOrA = precededByAn.includes(conf.specStatus) ? "an" : "a";
conf.isTagFinding =
conf.specStatus === "finding" || conf.specStatus === "draft-finding";
if (!conf.edDraftURI) {
conf.edDraftURI = "";
if (conf.specStatus === "ED")
pub("warn", "Editor's Drafts should set edDraftURI.");
conf.maturity = status2maturity[conf.specStatus]
? status2maturity[conf.specStatus]
: conf.specStatus;
let publishSpace = "TR";
if (conf.specStatus === "Member-SUBM") publishSpace = "Submission";
else if (conf.specStatus === "Team-SUBM") publishSpace = "TeamSubmission";
if (conf.isRegular)
conf.thisVersion = `${publishSpace}/${conf.publishDate.getUTCFullYear()}/${
if (conf.specStatus === "ED") conf.thisVersion = conf.edDraftURI;
if (conf.isRegular)
conf.latestVersion = `${publishSpace}/${conf.shortName}/`;
if (conf.isTagFinding) {
conf.latestVersion = `${conf.shortName}`;
conf.thisVersion = `${conf.latestVersion}-${ISODate.format(
if (conf.previousPublishDate) {
if (!conf.previousMaturity && !conf.isTagFinding) {
pub("error", "`previousPublishDate` is set, but not `previousMaturity`.");
conf.previousPublishDate = validateDateAndRecover(
const pmat = status2maturity[conf.previousMaturity]
? status2maturity[conf.previousMaturity]
: conf.previousMaturity;
if (conf.isTagFinding) {
conf.prevVersion = `${conf.latestVersion}-${ISODate.format(
} else if (conf.isCGBG) {
conf.prevVersion = conf.prevVersion || "";
} else if (conf.isBasic) {
conf.prevVersion = "";
} else {
conf.prevVersion = `${conf.previousPublishDate.getUTCFullYear()}/${pmat}-${
} else {
if (
!conf.specStatus.endsWith("NOTE") &&
conf.specStatus !== "FPWD" &&
conf.specStatus !== "FPLC" &&
conf.specStatus !== "ED" &&
!conf.noRecTrack &&
!conf.isNoTrack &&
"Document on track but no previous version:" +
" Add `previousMaturity`, and `previousPublishDate` to ReSpec's config."
if (!conf.prevVersion) conf.prevVersion = "";
if (conf.prevRecShortname && !conf.prevRecURI)
conf.prevRecURI = `${conf.prevRecShortname}`;
const peopCheck = function (it) {
if (! pub("error", "All authors and editors must have a name.");
if (it.orcid) {
try {
it.orcid = normalizeOrcid(it.orcid);
} catch (e) {
pub("error", `"${it.orcid}" is not an ORCID. ${e.message}`);
// A failed orcid link could link to something outside of orcid,
// which would be misleading.
delete it.orcid;
if (!conf.formerEditors) conf.formerEditors = [];
if (conf.editors) {
// Move any editors with retiredDate to formerEditors.
for (let i = 0; i < conf.editors.length; i++) {
const editor = conf.editors[i];
if ("retiredDate" in editor) {
conf.editors.splice(i--, 1);
if (!conf.editors || conf.editors.length === 0)
pub("error", "At least one editor is required");
if (conf.formerEditors.length) {
if (conf.authors) {
conf.multipleEditors = conf.editors && conf.editors.length > 1;
conf.multipleFormerEditors = conf.formerEditors.length > 1;
conf.multipleAuthors = conf.authors && conf.authors.length > 1;
(conf.alternateFormats || []).forEach(it => {
if (!it.uri || !it.label) {
pub("error", "All alternate formats must have a uri and a label.");
if (conf.copyrightStart && conf.copyrightStart == conf.publishYear)
conf.copyrightStart = "";
conf.longStatus = status2long[conf.specStatus];
conf.textStatus = status2text[conf.specStatus];
if (status2rdf[conf.specStatus]) {
conf.rdfStatus = status2rdf[conf.specStatus];
conf.showThisVersion = !conf.isNoTrack || conf.isTagFinding;
conf.showPreviousVersion =
conf.specStatus !== "FPWD" &&
conf.specStatus !== "FPLC" &&
conf.specStatus !== "ED" &&
!conf.isNoTrack &&
if (conf.specStatus.endsWith("NOTE") && !conf.prevVersion)
conf.showPreviousVersion = false;
if (conf.isTagFinding)
conf.showPreviousVersion = conf.previousPublishDate ? true : false;
conf.notYetRec = conf.isRecTrack && conf.specStatus !== "REC";
conf.isRec = conf.isRecTrack && conf.specStatus === "REC";
if (conf.isRec && !conf.errata)
pub("error", "Recommendations must have an errata link.");
conf.notRec = conf.specStatus !== "REC";
conf.prependW3C = !conf.isUnofficial;
conf.isED = conf.specStatus === "ED";
conf.isCR = conf.specStatus === "CR";
conf.isPR = conf.specStatus === "PR";
conf.isPER = conf.specStatus === "PER";
conf.isMO = conf.specStatus === "MO";
conf.isNote = ["FPWD-NOTE", "WG-NOTE"].includes(conf.specStatus);
conf.isIGNote = conf.specStatus === "IG-NOTE";
conf.dashDate = ISODate.format(conf.publishDate);
conf.publishISODate = conf.publishDate.toISOString();
conf.shortISODate = ISODate.format(conf.publishDate);
if (conf.hasOwnProperty("wgPatentURI") && !Array.isArray(conf.wgPatentURI)) {
Object.defineProperty(conf, "wgId", {
get() {
// it's always at "pp-impl" + 1
const urlParts = this.wgPatentURI.split("/");
const pos = urlParts.findIndex(item => item === "pp-impl") + 1;
return urlParts[pos] || "";
} else {
conf.wgId = conf.wgId ? conf.wgId : "";
// configuration done - yay!
const options = {
get multipleAlternates() {
return conf.alternateFormats && conf.alternateFormats.length > 1;
get alternatesHTML() {
return (
conf.alternateFormats &&
htmlJoinAnd(conf.alternateFormats, alt => {
const lang = alt.hasOwnProperty("lang") && alt.lang ? alt.lang : null;
const type = alt.hasOwnProperty("type") && alt.type ? alt.type : null;
return hyperHTML`<a rel='alternate' href='${alt.uri}' hreflang='${lang}' type='${type}'>${alt.label}</a>`;
// insert into document
const header = (conf.isCGBG ? cgbgHeadersTmpl : headersTmpl)(conf, options);
// handle SotD
const sotd =
document.getElementById("sotd") || document.createElement("section");
if ((conf.isCGBG || !conf.isNoTrack || conf.isTagFinding) && ! {
"A custom SotD paragraph is required for your type of document."
} = || "sotd";
// NOTE:
// When arrays, wg and wgURI have to be the same length (and in the same order).
// Technically wgURI could be longer but the rest is ignored.
// However wgPatentURI can be shorter. This covers the case where multiple groups
// publish together but some aren't used for patent policy purposes (typically this
// happens when one is foolish enough to do joint work with the TAG). In such cases,
// the groups whose patent policy applies need to be listed first, and wgPatentURI
// can be shorter — but it still needs to be an array.
const wgPotentialArray = [conf.wg, conf.wgURI, conf.wgPatentURI];
if (
wgPotentialArray.some(item => Array.isArray(item)) &&
!wgPotentialArray.every(item => Array.isArray(item))
) {
"If one of '`wg`', '`wgURI`', or '`wgPatentURI`' is an array, they all have to be."
if (conf.isCGBG && !conf.wg) {
"[`wg`](" +
" configuration option is required for this kind of document."
if (Array.isArray(conf.wg)) {
conf.multipleWGs = conf.wg.length > 1;
conf.wgHTML = htmlJoinAnd(conf.wg, (wg, idx) => {
return hyperHTML`the <a href='${conf.wgURI[idx]}'>${wg}</a>`;
const pats = [];
for (let i = 0, n = conf.wg.length; i < n; i++) {
hyperHTML`a <a href='${conf.wgPatentURI[i]}' rel='disclosure'>public list of any patent disclosures (${conf.wg[i]})</a>`
conf.wgPatentHTML = htmlJoinAnd(pats);
} else {
conf.multipleWGs = false;
if (conf.wg) {
conf.wgHTML = hyperHTML`the <a href='${conf.wgURI}'>${conf.wg}</a>`;
if (conf.specStatus === "PR" && !conf.crEnd) {
`\`specStatus\` is "PR" but no \`crEnd\` is specified (needed to indicate end of previous CR).`
if (conf.specStatus === "CR" && !conf.crEnd) {
`\`specStatus\` is "CR", but no \`crEnd\` is specified in Respec config.`
conf.crEnd = validateDateAndRecover(conf, "crEnd");
conf.humanCREnd = W3CDate.format(conf.crEnd);
if (conf.specStatus === "PR" && !conf.prEnd) {
pub("error", `\`specStatus\` is "PR" but no \`prEnd\` is specified.`);
conf.prEnd = validateDateAndRecover(conf, "prEnd");
conf.humanPREnd = W3CDate.format(conf.prEnd);
if (conf.specStatus === "PER" && !conf.perEnd) {
pub("error", "Status is PER but no perEnd is specified");
conf.perEnd = validateDateAndRecover(conf, "perEnd");
conf.humanPEREnd = W3CDate.format(conf.perEnd);
conf.recNotExpected =
conf.noRecTrack || conf.recNotExpected
? true
: !conf.isRecTrack &&
conf.maturity == "WD" &&
conf.specStatus !== "FPWD-NOTE";
if (conf.noRecTrack && recTrackStatus.includes(conf.specStatus)) {
`Document configured as [\`noRecTrack\`](, but its status ("${
}") puts it on the W3C Rec Track. Status cannot be any of: ${recTrackStatus.join(
", "
)}. [More info](`
if (conf.isIGNote && !conf.charterDisclosureURI) {
"IG-NOTEs must link to charter's disclosure section using `charterDisclosureURI`."
if (!sotd.classList.contains("override")) {
hyperHTML.bind(sotd)`${populateSoTD(conf, sotd)}`;
if (!conf.implementationReportURI && conf.isCR) {
"CR documents must have an [`implementationReportURI`]( " +
"that describes [implementation experience]("
if (!conf.implementationReportURI && conf.isPR) {
"PR documents should include an " +
" [`implementationReportURI`](" +
" that describes [implementation experience]("
// Requested by
// Makes a record of a few auto-generated things.
pub("amend-user-config", {
publishISODate: conf.publishISODate,
generatedSubtitle: `${conf.longStatus} ${conf.publishHumanDate}`,
* @param {*} conf
* @param {HTMLElement} sotd
function populateSoTD(conf, sotd) {
const options = {
...collectSotdContent(sotd, conf),
get mailToWGPublicList() {
return `mailto:${conf.wgPublicList}`;
get mailToWGPublicListWithSubject() {
const fragment = conf.subjectPrefix
? `?subject=${encodeURIComponent(conf.subjectPrefix)}`
: "";
return this.mailToWGPublicList + fragment;
get mailToWGPublicListSubscription() {
return `mailto:${conf.wgPublicList}`;
const template = conf.isCGBG ? cgbgSotdTmpl : sotdTmpl;
return template(conf, options);
* @param {HTMLElement} sotd
function collectSotdContent(sotd, { isTagFinding = false }) {
const sotdClone = sotd.cloneNode(true);
const additionalContent = document.createDocumentFragment();
// we collect everything until we hit a section,
// that becomes the custom content.
while (sotdClone.hasChildNodes()) {
if (
isElement(sotdClone.firstChild) &&
sotdClone.firstChild.localName === "section"
) {
if (isTagFinding && !additionalContent.hasChildNodes()) {
"ReSpec does not support automated SotD generation for TAG findings, " +
"please add the prerequisite content in the 'sotd' section"
return {
// Whatever sections are left, we throw at the end.
additionalSections: sotdClone.childNodes,
* @param {string} orcid Either an ORCID URL or just the 16-digit ID which comes after the /
* @return {string} the full ORCID URL. Throws an error if the ID is invalid.
function normalizeOrcid(orcid) {
const orcidUrl = new URL(orcid, "");
if (orcidUrl.origin !== "") {
throw new Error(
`The origin should be "", not "${orcidUrl.origin}".`
// trailing slash would mess up checksum
const orcidId = orcidUrl.pathname.slice(1).replace(/\/$/, "");
if (!/^\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{3}(\d|X)$/.test(orcidId)) {
throw new Error(
`ORCIDs have the format "1234-1234-1234-1234", not "${orcidId}"`
// calculate checksum as per
const lastDigit = orcidId[orcidId.length - 1];
const remainder = orcidId
.slice(0, -1)
.filter(c => /\d/.test(c))
.reduce((acc, c) => (acc + c) * 2, 0);
const lastDigitInt = (12 - (remainder % 11)) % 11;
const lastDigitShould = lastDigitInt === 10 ? "X" : String(lastDigitInt);
if (lastDigit !== lastDigitShould) {
throw new Error(`"${orcidId}" has an invalid checksum.`);
return orcidUrl.href;
* @param {Node} node
* @return {node is Element}
function isElement(node) {
return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;