# shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2154 # locate orcli and OpenRefine scriptpath=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")") if [[ -x "${scriptpath}/refine" ]]; then openrefine="${scriptpath}/refine" else error "OpenRefine's startup script (refine) not found!" "Did you put orcli in your OpenRefine app dir?" fi # check if OpenRefine is already running if curl -fs "${OPENREFINE_URL}" &>/dev/null; then error "OpenRefine is already running on port 3333." "Please stop the other process." fi # create tmp directory OPENREFINE_TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d)" trap '{ rm -rf "$OPENREFINE_TMPDIR"; }' 0 2 3 15 # download the test files if needed if ! [[ -f "tests/help.sh" ]]; then cd "$OPENREFINE_TMPDIR" if ! curl -fs -L -o orcli.zip https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/orcli/archive/refs/heads/main.zip; then error "downloading test files failed!" "Please download the tests dir manually from GitHub." fi unzip -q -j orcli.zip "*/tests/*.sh" -d "tests/" unzip -q -j orcli.zip "*/tests/data/*" -d "tests/data/" fi # start OpenRefine with tmp workspace $openrefine -d "$OPENREFINE_TMPDIR" -x refine.headless=true -v warn &>"$OPENREFINE_TMPDIR/openrefine.log" & OPENREFINE_PID="$!" # update trap to kill OpenRefine on error or exit trap '{ rm -rf "$OPENREFINE_TMPDIR"; rm -rf /tmp/jetty-127_0_0_1-3333*; kill -9 "$OPENREFINE_PID"; }' 0 2 3 15 # wait until OpenRefine is running (timeout 20s) for i in {1..20}; do sleep 1 if curl -fs "${OPENREFINE_URL}/command/core/get-version" &>/dev/null; then log "started OpenRefine with tmp workspace ${OPENREFINE_TMPDIR}" break fi if [[ $i == 20 ]]; then error "starting OpenRefine server failed!" fi done # execute tests in subshell export OPENREFINE_TMPDIR OPENREFINE_URL OPENREFINE_PID cd "tests" files=(*.sh) results=() for i in "${!files[@]}"; do set +e # do not exit on failed tests bash -e <( echo "shopt -s expand_aliases" echo "alias orcli=${scriptpath}/orcli" awk 1 "${files[$i]}" ) &>"$OPENREFINE_TMPDIR/test.log" results+=(${?}) set -e if [[ "${results[$i]}" =~ [1-9] ]]; then cat "$OPENREFINE_TMPDIR/test.log" log "FAILED ${files[$i]} with exit code ${results[$i]}!" else log "PASSED ${files[$i]}" fi done # print overall result if [[ "${results[*]}" =~ [1-9] ]]; then error "failed tests!" else log "all tests passed!" fi