# orcli search ``` orcli search apply regex to each column and print matches in flattened tsv format output: index column value note that any exporter supports search by using --facets (see examples) Usage: orcli search PROJECT [REGEX] [OPTIONS] orcli search --help | -h Options: --index COLUMN print column values instead of row.index in the first column of the output --help, -h Show this help Arguments: PROJECT project name or id REGEX search term (regular expression, case-sensitive) Examples: orcli search "duplicates" "^Ben" orcli search 1234567890123 "^Ben" orcli search "duplicates" "^F" --index "email" orcli search "duplicates" | column -t -s $' ' orcli export tsv "duplicates" --facets '[{ "type": "list", "expression": "grel:filter(row.columnNames,cn,cells[cn].value.find(/^Ben/).length()>0).length()>0", "columnName": "", "selection": [{"v": {"v": true}}] }]' orcli export tsv "duplicates" --facets '[{ "type": "list", "expression": "grel:filter([\"gender\",\"purchase\"],cn,cells[cn].value.find(/^F/).length()>0).length()>0", "columnName": "", "selection": [{"v": {"v": true}}] }]' ``` code: [src/search_command.sh](../src/search_command.sh)