Templates for OpenRefine batch processing (import, transform, export) using the task runner [go-task](https://github.com/go-task/task) and the [openrefine-client](https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/openrefine-client) to control OpenRefine via [its HTTP API](https://docs.openrefine.org/technical-reference/openrefine-api).
The workflow is defined in [Taskfile.yml](Taskfile.yml) and can be executed either locally (`task default`) or with [GitHub Actions](.github/workflows/default.yml).
**Step 1**: Do some experiments with your data (or parts of it) in the graphical user interface of OpenRefine. If you are fine with all transformation rules, [extract the json code](http://kb.refinepro.com/2012/06/google-refine-json-and-my-notepad-or.html) and save it as file (e.g. dedup.json).
**Step 2**: Configure a task to automate importing your data set, applying the json file and exporting to the required output format.
* The entire data processing (including options during import) becomes reproducible. The task configuration file can also be used for documentation through source code comments.
* Metadata experts can use OpenRefine's graphical interface and IT staff can incorporate the created transformation rules into regular data processing flows.
- [restricted](https://mybinder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about/about.html#how-much-memory-am-i-given-when-using-binder) to 2 GB RAM and server will be deleted after 10 minutes of inactivity
3. Run install task to download [OpenRefine 3.5.2](https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/releases/tag/3.5.2) and [openrefine-client 0.3.10](https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/openrefine-client/releases/tag/v0.3.10)
* [noah-biejournals](https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/noah-biejournals): Harvesting des Zeitschriftenservers BieJournals der UB Bielefeld und Transformation in METS/MODS für das Portal noah.nrw
Please file an [issue](https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/openrefine-task-runner/issues) if you miss some features or if you have tracked a bug. And you are welcome to ask any questions!