name: example # available as environment variable $GITHUB_WORKFLOW on: workflow_dispatch: # allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab jobs: main: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - name: install OpenRefine and openrefine-client run: | mkdir -p output .openrefine .openrefine/data wget --no-verbose -O openrefine.tar.gz tar -xzf openrefine.tar.gz -C .openrefine --strip 1 && rm openrefine.tar.gz sed -i 's/cd `dirname $0`/cd "$(dirname "$0")"/' ".openrefine/refine" # fix path issue in OpenRefine startup file sed -i '$ a JAVA_OPTIONS=-Drefine.headless=true' ".openrefine/refine.ini" # do not try to open OpenRefine in browser sed -i 's/#REFINE_AUTOSAVE_PERIOD=60/REFINE_AUTOSAVE_PERIOD=1440/' ".openrefine/refine.ini" # set autosave period from 5 minutes to 25 hours wget --no-verbose -O .openrefine/client chmod +x .openrefine/client - name: start OpenRefine run: | .openrefine/refine -m 5120M -v warn -d data >> .openrefine/log.txt 2>&1 & timeout 30s bash -c "until wget -q -O - -o /dev/null http://localhost:3333 | cat | grep -q -o OpenRefine; do sleep 1; done" - name: import run: | .openrefine/client \ --create "$(readlink -m input/schriftstellerinnen.csv)" \ --encoding UTF-8 \ --projectName "$GITHUB_WORKFLOW" \ > >(tee -a .openrefine/log.txt) 2>&1 - name: transform run: | .openrefine/client "$GITHUB_WORKFLOW" \ --apply "$(readlink -m config/history.json)" \ > >(tee -a .openrefine/log.txt) 2>&1 - name: export run: | .openrefine/client "$GITHUB_WORKFLOW" \ --output "$(readlink -m output/schriftstellerinnen.tsv)" \ > >(tee -a .openrefine/log.txt) 2>&1 - name: stop OpenRefine if: always() run: | PID="$(lsof -t -i:3333)" echo "used $(($(ps --no-headers -o rss -p "$PID") / 1024)) MB RAM" > >(tee -a .openrefine/log.txt) 2>&1 echo "used $(ps --no-headers -o cputime -p "$PID") CPU time" > >(tee -a .openrefine/log.txt) 2>&1 kill $PID; while ps -p $PID > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done - name: archive OpenRefine projects if: always() run: for p in .openrefine/data/*.project/; do tar cfz .openrefine/data/"${p:17:13}.openrefine.tar.gz" -C $p .; done - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: always() with: name: OpenRefine project(s) path: .openrefine/data/*.openrefine.tar.gz retention-days: 5 - name: check log file if: always() run: | if grep -i 'exception\|error' .openrefine/log.txt then echo 1>&2 "log contains warnings!"; echo; cat .openrefine/log.txt; exit 1 fi - name: commit and push if something changed run: |- git config "Automated" git config "" git add -A git commit -m "latest change: $(date -u)" || exit 0 git push