
170 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File

# =============================== ENVIRONMENT ================================ #
if [[ ${1} ]]; then
echo 1>&2 "execute to run all tests"; exit 1
t="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" .sh)"
cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/" || exit 1
mkdir -p "tmp/${t}"
# ================================= ASSERTION ================================ #
cat << "DATA" > "tmp/${t}/${t}.assert"
Usage: [--help | OPTIONS]
Script to provide a command line interface to an OpenRefine server.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Connection options:
-H, --host=
OpenRefine hostname (default:
-P 3333, --port=3333
OpenRefine port (default: 3333)
-c [FILE], --create=[FILE]
Create project from file. The filename ending (e.g.
.csv) defines the input format
-l, --list List projects
--download=[URL] Download file from URL (e.g. example data). Combine
with --output to specify a filename.
Commands with argument [PROJECTID/PROJECTNAME]:
-d, --delete Delete project
-f [FILE], --apply=[FILE]
Apply JSON rules to OpenRefine project
-E, --export Export project in tsv format to stdout.
-o [FILE], --output=[FILE]
Export project to file. The filename ending (e.g.
.tsv) defines the output format
Export project with templating. Provide (big) text
string that you enter in the *row template* textfield
in the export/templating menu in the browser app)
--info show project metadata
General options:
Override file detection (import:
export: csv,tsv,html,xls,xlsx,ods)
Create options:
(txt/fixed-width), please provide widths in multiple
arguments, e.g. --columnWidths=7 --columnWidths=5
(csv,tsv,txt), please provide short encoding name
(e.g. UTF-8)
(xml,csv,tsv,txt,json, default: false)
(csv,tsv,txt/fixed-width,xls,xlsx,ods), default: 1,
default txt/fixed-width: 0
(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: -1
(all formats), default: false
--limit=LIMIT (all formats), default: -1
(txt/line-based), default: 1
(csv,tsv), default: true
(all formats), default: filename
(all formats), please provide tags in multiple
arguments, e.g. --projectTags=beta
(xml,json), please provide path in multiple arguments,
e.g. /collection/record/ should be entered:
--recordPath=collection --recordPath=record, default
xml: root element, default json: _ _
(csv,tsv), default csv: , default tsv: \t
--sheets=SHEETS (xls,xlsx,ods), please provide sheets in multiple
arguments, e.g. --sheets=0 --sheets=1, default: 0
(first sheet)
(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: 0, default line-
based: -1
(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: true
(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: true
(xml,json), default: true
(xml,json), default: false
Templating options:
engine mode (default: row-based)
--prefix=PREFIX text string that you enter in the *prefix* textfield
in the browser app
text string that you enter in the *row separator*
textfield in the browser app
--suffix=SUFFIX text string that you enter in the *suffix* textfield
in the browser app
Simple RegEx text filter on filterColumn, e.g. ^12015$
column name for filterQuery (default: name of first
--facets=FACETS facets config in json format (may be extracted with
browser dev tools in browser app)
will split each row/record into a single file; it
specifies a presumably unique character series for
splitting; --prefix and --suffix will be applied to
all files; filename-prefix can be specified with
--output (default: %Y%m%d)
enhancement option for --splitToFiles; will generate
filename-suffix from values in key column
Example data:
--download "" --output=duplicates.csv
--download "" --output=duplicates-deletion.json
Basic commands:
--list # list all projects
--list -H -P 80 # specify hostname and port
--create duplicates.csv # create new project from file
--info "duplicates" # show project metadata
--apply duplicates-deletion.json "duplicates" # apply rules in file to project
--export "duplicates" # export project to terminal in tsv format
--export --output=deduped.xls "duplicates" # export project to file in xls format
--delete "duplicates" # delete project
Some more examples:
--info 1234567890123 # specify project by id
--create example.tsv --encoding=UTF-8
--create example.xml --recordPath=collection --recordPath=record
--create example.json --recordPath=_ --recordPath=_
--create example.xlsx --sheets=0
--create example.ods --sheets=0
Example for Templating Export:
# ================================== ACTION ================================== #
${cmd} --help > "tmp/${t}/${t}.output"
# =================================== TEST =================================== #
diff -u "tmp/${t}/${t}.assert" "tmp/${t}/${t}.output"