2011-06-10 14:31:05 +00:00

282 lines
9.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
Google Refine Facets, Engine, and Facet Responses.
# Copyright (c) 2011 Paul Makepeace, Real Programmers. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
import json
import re
def to_camel(attr):
"""convert this_attr_name to thisAttrName."""
# Do lower case first letter
return (attr[0].lower() +
re.sub(r'_(.)', lambda x: x.group(1).upper(), attr[1:]))
def from_camel(attr):
"""convert thisAttrName to this_attr_name."""
# Don't add an underscore for capitalized first letter
return re.sub(r'(?<=.)([A-Z])', lambda x: '_' + x.group(1), attr).lower()
class Facet(object):
def __init__(self, column, type, **options):
self.type = type
self.name = column
self.column_name = column
for k, v in options.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def as_dict(self):
return dict([(to_camel(k), v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()
if v is not None])
class TextFilterFacet(Facet):
def __init__(self, column, query, **options):
super(TextFilterFacet, self).__init__(
column, query=query, case_sensitive=False, type='text',
mode='text', **options)
class TextFacet(Facet):
def __init__(self, column, selection=None, expression='value',
omit_blank=False, omit_error=False, select_blank=False,
select_error=False, invert=False, **options):
super(TextFacet, self).__init__(
self.expression = expression
self.selection = []
if selection is None:
selection = []
elif not isinstance(selection, list):
selection = [selection]
for value in selection:
def include(self, value):
for s in self.selection:
if s['v']['v'] == value:
self.selection.append({'v': {'v': value, 'l': value}})
return self
def exclude(self, value):
self.selection = [s for s in self.selection
if s['v']['v'] != value]
return self
def reset(self):
self.selection = []
return self
class BoolFacet(TextFacet):
def __init__(self, column, expression=None, selection=None):
if selection is not None and not isinstance(selection, bool):
raise ValueError('selection must be True or False.')
if expression is None:
raise ValueError('Missing expression')
super(BoolFacet, self).__init__(column,
expression=expression, selection=selection)
class StarredFacet(BoolFacet):
def __init__(self, selection=None):
super(StarredFacet, self).__init__('',
expression='row.starred', selection=selection)
class FlaggedFacet(BoolFacet):
def __init__(self, selection=None):
super(FlaggedFacet, self).__init__('',
expression='row.flagged', selection=selection)
class BlankFacet(BoolFacet):
def __init__(self, column, selection=None):
super(BlankFacet, self).__init__(column,
expression='isBlank(value)', selection=selection)
class ReconJudgmentFacet(TextFacet):
def __init__(self, column, **options):
super(ReconJudgmentFacet, self).__init__(column,
expression=('forNonBlank(cell.recon.judgment, v, v, '
'if(isNonBlank(value), "(unreconciled)", "(blank)"))'),
# Capitalize 'From' to get around python's reserved word.
class NumericFacet(Facet):
def __init__(self, column, From=None, to=None, expression='value',
select_blank=True, select_error=True, select_non_numeric=True,
select_numeric=True, **options):
super(NumericFacet, self).__init__(
def reset(self):
self.From = None
self.to = None
return self
class FacetResponse(object):
"""Class for unpacking an individual facet response."""
def __init__(self, facet):
for k, v in facet.items():
if isinstance(k, bool) or isinstance(k, basestring):
setattr(self, from_camel(k), v)
self.choices = {}
class FacetChoice(object):
def __init__(self, c):
self.count = c['c']
self.selected = c['s']
if 'choices' in facet:
for choice in facet['choices']:
self.choices[choice['v']['v']] = FacetChoice(choice)
if 'blankChoice' in facet:
self.blank_choice = FacetChoice(facet['blankChoice'])
self.blank_choice = None
if 'bins' in facet:
self.bins = facet['bins']
self.base_bins = facet['baseBins']
class FacetsResponse(object):
"""FacetsResponse unpacking the compute-facets response.
It has two attributes: facets & mode. Mode is either 'row-based' or
'record-based'. facets is a list of facets produced by compute-facets, in
the same order as they were specified in the Engine. By coupling the engine
object with a custom container it's possible to look up the computed facet
by the original facet's object.
def __init__(self, engine, facets):
class FacetResponseContainer(object):
facets = None
def __init__(self, facet_responses):
self.facets = [FacetResponse(fr) for fr in facet_responses]
def __iter__(self):
for facet in self.facets:
yield facet
def __getitem__(self, index):
if not isinstance(index, int):
index = engine.facet_index_by_id[id(index)]
assert self.facets[index].name == engine.facets[index].name
return self.facets[index]
self.facets = FacetResponseContainer(facets['facets'])
self.mode = facets['mode']
class Engine(object):
"""An Engine keeps track of Facets, and responses to facet computation."""
facets = []
facet_index_by_id = {} # index into facets by Facet object id
def __init__(self, facets=None, mode='row-based'):
self.mode = mode
def set_facets(self, facets=None):
"""facets may be a Facet or list of Facets."""
if facets is None:
facets = []
elif not isinstance(facets, list):
facets = [facets]
for facet in facets:
def facets_response(self, response):
"""Unpack a compute-facets response."""
return FacetsResponse(self, response)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.facets)
def as_json(self):
"""Return a JSON string suitable for use as a POST parameter."""
return json.dumps({
'facets': [f.as_dict() for f in self.facets], # XXX how with json?
'mode': self.mode,
def add_facet(self, facet):
# Record the facet's object id so facet response can be looked up by id
self.facet_index_by_id[id(facet)] = len(self.facets)
def remove_all(self):
"""Remove all facets."""
self.facets = []
def reset_all(self):
"""Reset all facets."""
for facet in self.facets:
class Sorting(object):
"""Class representing the current sorting order for a project.
Used in RefineProject.get_rows()"""
def __init__(self, criteria=None):
self.criteria = []
if criteria is None:
criteria = []
if not isinstance(criteria, list):
criteria = [criteria]
for criterion in criteria:
# A string criterion defaults to a string sort on that column
if isinstance(criterion, basestring):
criterion = {
'column': criterion,
'valueType': 'string',
'caseSensitive': False,
criterion.setdefault('reverse', False)
criterion.setdefault('errorPosition', 1)
criterion.setdefault('blankPosition', 2)
def as_json(self):
return json.dumps({'criteria': self.criteria})
def __len__(self):
return len(self.criteria)