#!/usr/bin/env python """ Script to provide a command line interface to a Refine server. """ # Copyright (c) 2011 Paul Makepeace, Real Programmers. All rights reserved. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see import optparse import os import sys import time from google.refine import refine import urllib2_file import urllib2 import urlparse import json class myParser(optparse.OptionParser): def format_epilog(self, formatter): return self.epilog PARSER = \ myParser(description='Script to provide a command line interface to an OpenRefine server.', usage='usage: %prog [--help | OPTIONS]', epilog=""" Examples: ./refine.py --list # show list of Refine projects, ID: name ./refine.py --list -H -P 80 # specify hostname and port ./refine.py --create example.csv # create new project from file example.csv ./refine.py --create example.tsv --format=tsv --encoding=UTF-8 ./refine.py --create example.xml --format=xml --recordPath=collection --recordPath=record ./refine.py --create example.json --format=json --recordPath=_ --recordPath=_ ./refine.py --create example.xlsx --format=xlsx --sheets=0 ./refine.py --create example.ods --format=ods --sheets=0 ./refine.py --export 1234... > project.tsv # export project 1234... in tsv format ./refine.py --export --output=project.xls 1234... # export project in xls format ./refine.py --apply trim.json 1234... # apply rules in trim.json to project 1234... """) group1 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Connection options') group1.add_option('-H', '--host', dest='host', metavar='', help='OpenRefine hostname (default: localhost)') group1.add_option('-P', '--port', dest='port', metavar='3333', help='OpenRefine port (default: 3333)') PARSER.add_option_group(group1) group2 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Commands') group2.add_option('-l', '--list', dest='list', action='store_true', help='List projects: refine.py -l') group2.add_option('-c', '--create', dest='create', action='store_true', help='Create project from file: refine.py -c [FILE]') group2.add_option('-E', '--export', dest='export', action='store_true', help='Export project: refine.py -E [PROJECTID]') group2.add_option('-f', '--apply', dest='apply', metavar='file.json', help='Apply JSON rules: refine.py -f [FILE] [PROJECTID]') PARSER.add_option_group(group2) group3 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Export options (optional)') group3.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='file.csv', help='Specify output filename and filetype. The filename ending (e.g. .csv) defines the output format (csv,tsv,xls,html)') PARSER.add_option_group(group3) group4 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Create format (mandatory for xml, json, fixed-width, xlsx, ods)') group4.add_option('--format', dest='inputformat', help='Specify input format (csv, tsv, xml, json, line-based, fixed-width, xlsx, ods)') PARSER.add_option_group(group4) group5 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Create options (mandatory for xml, json, fixed-width, xslx, ods; only together with --format)') group5.add_option('--recordPath', dest='recordPath', action='append', help='(xml, json), please provide path in multiple arguments without slashes, e.g. /collection/record/ should be entered like this: --recordPath=collection --recordPath=record') group5.add_option('--columnWidths', dest='columnWidths', help='(fixed-width) please provide widths separated by comma (e.g. 7,5)') group5.add_option('--sheets', dest='sheets', help='(xlsx, ods), please provide sheets separated by comma (e.g. 0,1), default: 0 (first sheet)') PARSER.add_option_group(group5) group6 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'More create options (optional, only together with --format)') group6.add_option('--limit', dest='limit', help='(all formats), default: -1') group6.add_option('--includeFileSources', dest='includeFileSources', help='(all formats), default: false') group6.add_option('--trimStrings', dest='trimStrings', help='(xml, json), default: false') group6.add_option('--storeEmptyStrings', dest='storeEmptyStrings', help='(xml, json), default: true') group6.add_option('--guessCellValueTypes', dest='guessCellValueTypes', help='(xml, csv, tsv, fixed-width, json), default: false') group6.add_option('--encoding', dest='encoding', help='(csv, tsv, line-based, fixed-width), please provide short encoding name (e.g. UTF-8)') group6.add_option('--ignoreLines', dest='ignoreLines', help='(csv, tsv, line-based, fixed-width, xlsx, ods), default: -1') group6.add_option('--headerLines', dest='headerLines', help='(csv, tsv, fixed-width, xlsx, ods), default: 1') group6.add_option('--skipDataLines', dest='skipDataLines', help='(csv, tsv, line-based, fixed-width, xlsx, ods), default: 0') group6.add_option('--storeBlankRows', dest='storeBlankRows', help='(csv, tsv, line-based, fixed-width, xlsx, ods), default: true') group6.add_option('--processQuotes', dest='processQuotes', help='(csv, tsv), default: true') group6.add_option('--storeBlankCellsAsNulls', dest='storeBlankCellsAsNulls', help='(csv, tsv, line-based, fixed-width, xlsx, ods), default: true') group6.add_option('--linesPerRow', dest='linesPerRow', help='(line-based), default: 1') PARSER.add_option_group(group6) def create_project(options, file_fullpath): servernewproject = 'http://' + refine.REFINE_HOST if refine.REFINE_PORT != '80': servernewproject += ':' + refine.REFINE_PORT input_format = '' input_options = '' # xml if options.inputformat == 'xml': input_format = 'text/xml' recordPath = 'record' if options.recordPath: recordPath = options.recordPath limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit trimStrings = 'false' if options.trimStrings: trimStrings = options.trimStrings guessCellValueTypes = 'false' if options.guessCellValueTypes: guessCellValueTypes = options.guessCellValueTypes storeEmptyStrings = 'true' if options.storeEmptyStrings: storeEmptyStrings = options.storeEmptyStrings includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"recordPath":["' + '","'.join(recordPath) + '"]' \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"trimStrings":' + trimStrings \ + ',"guessCellValueTypes":' + guessCellValueTypes \ + ',"storeEmptyStrings":' + storeEmptyStrings \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' # csv if options.inputformat == 'csv': input_format = 'text/line-based/*sv' encoding = '' if options.encoding: encoding = options.encoding ignoreLines = '-1' if options.ignoreLines: ignoreLines = options.ignoreLines headerLines = '1' if options.headerLines: headerLines = options.headerLines skipDataLines = '0' if options.skipDataLines: skipDataLines = options.skipDataLines limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit storeBlankRows = 'true' if options.storeBlankRows: storeBlankRows = options.storeBlankRows guessCellValueTypes = 'false' if options.guessCellValueTypes: guessCellValueTypes = options.guessCellValueTypes processQuotes = 'true' if options.processQuotes: processQuotes = options.processQuotes storeBlankCellsAsNulls = 'true' if options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls: storeBlankCellsAsNulls = options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"encoding":"' + encoding + '"' \ + ',"separator":","' \ + ',"ignoreLines":' + ignoreLines \ + ',"headerLines":' + headerLines \ + ',"skipDataLines":' + skipDataLines \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"storeBlankRows":' + storeBlankRows \ + ',"guessCellValueTypes":' + guessCellValueTypes \ + ',"processQuotes":' + processQuotes \ + ',"storeBlankCellsAsNulls":' + storeBlankCellsAsNulls \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' # tsv if options.inputformat == 'tsv': input_format = 'text/line-based/*sv' encoding = '' if options.encoding: encoding = options.encoding ignoreLines = '-1' if options.ignoreLines: ignoreLines = options.ignoreLines headerLines = '1' if options.headerLines: headerLines = options.headerLines skipDataLines = '0' if options.skipDataLines: skipDataLines = options.skipDataLines limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit storeBlankRows = 'true' if options.storeBlankRows: storeBlankRows = options.storeBlankRows guessCellValueTypes = 'false' if options.guessCellValueTypes: guessCellValueTypes = options.guessCellValueTypes processQuotes = 'true' if options.processQuotes: processQuotes = options.processQuotes storeBlankCellsAsNulls = 'true' if options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls: storeBlankCellsAsNulls = options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"encoding":"' + encoding + '"' \ + ',"separator":"\\t"' \ + ',"ignoreLines":' + ignoreLines \ + ',"headerLines":' + headerLines \ + ',"skipDataLines":' + skipDataLines \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"storeBlankRows":' + storeBlankRows \ + ',"guessCellValueTypes":' + guessCellValueTypes \ + ',"processQuotes":' + processQuotes \ + ',"storeBlankCellsAsNulls":' + storeBlankCellsAsNulls \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' # line-based if options.inputformat == 'line-based': input_format = 'text/line-based' encoding = '' if options.encoding: encoding = options.encoding linesPerRow = '1' if options.linesPerRow: linesPerRow = options.linesPerRow ignoreLines = '-1' if options.ignoreLines: ignoreLines = options.ignoreLines limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit skipDataLines = '-1' if options.skipDataLines: skipDataLines = options.skipDataLines storeBlankRows = 'true' if options.storeBlankRows: storeBlankRows = options.storeBlankRows storeBlankCellsAsNulls = 'true' if options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls: storeBlankCellsAsNulls = options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"encoding":"' + encoding + '"' \ + ',"linesPerRow":' + linesPerRow \ + ',"ignoreLines":' + ignoreLines \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"skipDataLines":' + skipDataLines \ + ',"storeBlankRows":' + storeBlankRows \ + ',"storeBlankCellsAsNulls":' + storeBlankCellsAsNulls \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' # fixed-width if options.inputformat == 'fixed-width': input_format = 'text/line-based/fixed-width' encoding = '' if options.encoding: encoding = options.encoding columnWidths = '' if options.columnWidths: columnWidths = options.columnWidths ignoreLines = '-1' if options.ignoreLines: ignoreLines = options.ignoreLines headerLines = '0' if options.headerLines: headerLines = options.headerLines skipDataLines = '0' if options.skipDataLines: skipDataLines = options.skipDataLines limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit guessCellValueTypes = 'false' if options.guessCellValueTypes: guessCellValueTypes = options.guessCellValueTypes storeBlankRows = 'true' if options.storeBlankRows: storeBlankRows = options.storeBlankRows storeBlankCellsAsNulls = 'true' if options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls: storeBlankCellsAsNulls = options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"encoding":"' + encoding + '"' \ + ',"columnWidths":[' + columnWidths + ']' \ + ',"ignoreLines":' + ignoreLines \ + ',"headerLines":' + headerLines \ + ',"skipDataLines":' + skipDataLines \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"guessCellValueTypes":' + guessCellValueTypes \ + ',"storeBlankRows":' + storeBlankRows \ + ',"storeBlankCellsAsNulls":' + storeBlankCellsAsNulls \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' # json if options.inputformat == 'json': input_format = 'text/json' recordPath = ['_', '_'] if options.recordPath: recordPath = options.recordPath limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit trimStrings = 'false' if options.trimStrings: trimStrings = options.trimStrings guessCellValueTypes = 'false' if options.guessCellValueTypes: guessCellValueTypes = options.guessCellValueTypes storeEmptyStrings = 'true' if options.storeEmptyStrings: storeEmptyStrings = options.storeEmptyStrings includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"recordPath":["' + '","'.join(recordPath) + '"]' \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"trimStrings":' + trimStrings \ + ',"guessCellValueTypes":' + guessCellValueTypes \ + ',"storeEmptyStrings":' + storeEmptyStrings \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' # xlsx if options.inputformat == 'xlsx': input_format = 'binary/text/xml/xls/xlsx' sheets = '0' if options.sheets: sheets = options.sheets ignoreLines = '-1' if options.ignoreLines: ignoreLines = options.ignoreLines headerLines = '1' if options.headerLines: headerLines = options.headerLines skipDataLines = '0' if options.skipDataLines: skipDataLines = options.skipDataLines limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit storeBlankRows = 'true' if options.storeBlankRows: storeBlankRows = options.storeBlankRows storeBlankCellsAsNulls = 'true' if options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls: storeBlankCellsAsNulls = options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"sheets":[' + sheets + ']' \ + ',"ignoreLines":' + ignoreLines \ + ',"headerLines":' + headerLines \ + ',"skipDataLines":' + skipDataLines \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"storeBlankRows":' + storeBlankRows \ + ',"storeBlankCellsAsNulls":' + storeBlankCellsAsNulls \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' # ods if options.inputformat == 'ods': input_format = 'text/xml/ods' sheets = '0' if options.sheets: sheets = options.sheets ignoreLines = '-1' if options.ignoreLines: ignoreLines = options.ignoreLines headerLines = '1' if options.headerLines: headerLines = options.headerLines skipDataLines = '0' if options.skipDataLines: skipDataLines = options.skipDataLines limit = '-1' if options.limit: limit = options.limit storeBlankRows = 'true' if options.storeBlankRows: storeBlankRows = options.storeBlankRows storeBlankCellsAsNulls = 'true' if options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls: storeBlankCellsAsNulls = options.storeBlankCellsAsNulls includeFileSources = 'false' if options.includeFileSources: includeFileSources = options.includeFileSources input_options = '{"sheets":[' + sheets + ']' \ + ',"ignoreLines":' + ignoreLines \ + ',"headerLines":' + headerLines \ + ',"skipDataLines":' + skipDataLines \ + ',"limit":' + limit \ + ',"storeBlankRows":' + storeBlankRows \ + ',"storeBlankCellsAsNulls":' + storeBlankCellsAsNulls \ + ',"includeFileSources":' + includeFileSources \ + '}' data = {} file_name = os.path.split(file_fullpath)[-1] data['project-file'] = {'fd': open(file_fullpath), 'filename': file_name} data['project-name'] = file_name response = urllib2.urlopen(servernewproject + '/command/core/create-project-from-upload?format=' + input_format + '&options=' + input_options, data) response_body = response.read() url_params = \ urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(response.geturl()).query) if 'project' in url_params: project_id = url_params['project'][0] print 'New project: ' + project_id else: raise Exception('Project not created') # wait until project is created def wait_until_idle(self, polling_delay=0.5): while True: response = urllib2.urlopen(servernewproject + '/command/core/get-processes?project=' + project_id) response_body = response.read() url_params = \ urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(response.geturl()).query) if 'processes' in url_params and len(url_params['processes']) > 0: time.sleep(polling_delay) else: print 'done' return # check number of rows response = urllib2.urlopen(servernewproject + '/command/core/get-rows?project=' + project_id + '&start=0&limit=0') response_body = response.read() response_json = json.loads(response_body) if 'total' in response_body and response_json['total'] > 0: print 'Number of rows:', response_json['total'] else: raise Exception('Project contains 0 rows. Please check --help for mandatory arguments for xml, json, xls and ods') def list_projects(): """Query the Refine server and list projects by ID: name.""" projects = refine.Refine(refine.RefineServer()).list_projects().items() def date_to_epoch(json_dt): """Convert a JSON date time into seconds-since-epoch.""" return time.mktime(time.strptime(json_dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')) projects.sort(key=lambda v: date_to_epoch(v[1]['modified']), reverse=True) for project_id, project_info in projects: print('{0:>14}: {1}'.format(project_id, project_info['name'])) def export_project(project, options): """Dump a project to stdout or options.output file.""" export_format = 'tsv' if options.output: ext = os.path.splitext(options.output)[1][1:] # 'xls' if ext: export_format = ext.lower() output = open(options.output, 'wb') else: output = sys.stdout output.writelines(project.export(export_format=export_format)) output.close() #noinspection PyPep8Naming def main(): """Main.""" # get environment variables in docker network docker_host = os.environ.get('OPENREFINE_PORT_3333_TCP_ADDR') if docker_host: os.environ["OPENREFINE_HOST"] = docker_host refine.REFINE_HOST = docker_host docker_port = os.environ.get('OPENREFINE_PORT_3333_TCP_PORT') if docker_port: os.environ["OPENREFINE_HOST"] = docker_port refine.REFINE_PORT = docker_port options, args = PARSER.parse_args() if options.host: refine.REFINE_HOST = options.host if options.port: refine.REFINE_PORT = options.port if not options.list and len(args) != 1: PARSER.print_usage() if options.list: list_projects() if options.create: file_fullpath = args[0] create_project(options, file_fullpath) if options.apply: project = refine.RefineProject(args[0]) response = project.apply_operations(options.apply) if response != 'ok': print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to apply %s: %s' \ % (options.apply, response) if options.export: project = refine.RefineProject(args[0]) export_project(project, options) return project if __name__ == '__main__': # return project so that it's available interactively, python -i refine.py refine_project = main()