# OpenRefine Python Client with extended command line interface The [OpenRefine Python Client Library from PaulMakepeace](https://github.com/PaulMakepeace/refine-client-py) provides an interface to communicating with an [OpenRefine](http://openrefine.org) server. This fork extends the command line interface (CLI) and supports communication between docker containers. ## Download One-file-executables: * Linux: [openrefine-client_0-3-4_linux-64bit](https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/openrefine-client/releases/download/v0.3.4/openrefine-client_0-3-4_linux-64bit) (4,7 MB) * Windows: [openrefine-client_0-3-4_windows.exe](https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/openrefine-client/releases/download/v0.3.4/openrefine-client_0-3-4_windows.exe) (4,9 MB) * Mac: [openrefine-client_0-3-4_mac](https://github.com/opencultureconsulting/openrefine-client/releases/download/v0.3.4/openrefine-client_0-3-4_mac) (4,4 MB) For native Python installation on Windows, Mac or Linux see [Installation](#installation) below. ## Peek A short video loop that demonstrates the basic features (list, create, apply, export) ![video loop that demonstrates basic features](openrefine-client-peek.gif) ## Usage Command line interface: - list all projects: `--list` - create project from file: `--create [FILE]` - apply [rules from json file](http://kb.refinepro.com/2012/06/google-refine-json-and-my-notepad-or.html): `--apply [FILE.json] [PROJECTID/PROJECTNAME]` - export project to file: `--export [PROJECTID/PROJECTNAME] --output=FILE.tsv` - templating export: `--export "My Address Book" --template='{ "friend" : {{jsonize(cells["friend"].value)}}, "address" : {{jsonize(cells["address"].value)}} }' --prefix='{ "address" : [' --rowSeparator ',' --suffix '] }' --filterQuery="^mary$"` - show project metadata: `--info [PROJECTID/PROJECTNAME]` - delete project: `--delete [PROJECTID/PROJECTNAME]` - check `--help` for further options... If you are familiar with python you may try all functions interactively (`python -i refine/refine.py`) or use this library in your own python scripts. Some Examples: * show version of OpenRefine server: `refine.RefineServer().get_version()` * show total rows of project 2151545447855: `refine.RefineProject(refine.RefineServer(),'2151545447855').do_json('get-rows')['total']` * compute clusters of project 2151545447855 and column key: `refine.RefineProject(refine.RefineServer(),'2151545447855').compute_clusters('key')` ## Configuration By default the OpenRefine server URL is []( The environment variables `OPENREFINE_HOST` and `OPENREFINE_PORT` enable overriding the host & port as well as the command line options `-H` and `-P`. ## Installation ```pip install openrefine-client``` (requires Python 2.x, depends on urllib2_file>=0.2.1) ## Tests Ensure you have an OpenRefine server running somewhere and, if necessary, set the environment vars as above. * all tests: ```python setup.py test``` * a subset: ```python setup.py test --test-suite tests.test_facet``` ## Credits [Paul Makepeace](http://paulm.com), author David Huynh, [initial cut](