diff --git a/tests.sh b/tests.sh index 2464a6e..87e2f87 100755 --- a/tests.sh +++ b/tests.sh @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ for t in ${tags[*]} ; do until curl --silent -N http://localhost:"$port" | cat | grep -q -o "Refine" ; do sleep 1; done echo "Refine running at http://localhost:${port}" if [ $interactively = true ]; then read -r -p "Press [Enter] key to start tests..."; fi - python setup.py test + python2 setup.py test if [ $interactively = true ]; then read -r -p "Press [Enter] key to stop OpenRefine..."; fi ${docker[*]} stop "$t" echo "End: $(date)"