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#!/usr/bin/env python
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
Script to provide a command line interface to a OpenRefine server.
# Copyright (c) 2011 Paul Makepeace, Real Programmers. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>
import optparse
import os
import sys
import time
from google.refine import refine
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
class myParser(optparse.OptionParser):
def format_epilog(self, formatter):
return self.epilog
myParser(description='Script to provide a command line interface to an OpenRefine server.',
usage='usage: %prog [--help | OPTIONS]',
--list # show list of projects (id: name)
--list -H -P 80 # specify hostname and port
--info 2161595260364 # show metadata of project
--info "christmas gifts"
--create example.csv # create new project from file example.csv
--create example.tsv --encoding=UTF-8
--create example.xml --recordPath=collection --recordPath=record
--create example.json --recordPath=_ --recordPath=_
--create example.xlsx --sheets=0
--create example.ods --sheets=0
--apply trim.json 2161595260364 # apply rules in trim.json to project 1234...
--apply trim.json "christmas gifts"
--export 2161595260364 > project.tsv # export project 2161595260364 in tsv format
--export "christmas gifts" > project.tsv
--export --output=project.xlsx 2161595260364 # export project in xlsx format
--export --output=project.xlsx "christmas gifts"
--delete 2161595260364 # delete project
--delete "christmas gifts"
group1 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Connection options')
group1.add_option('-H', '--host', dest='host', metavar='',
help='OpenRefine hostname (default:')
group1.add_option('-P', '--port', dest='port', metavar='3333',
help='OpenRefine port (default: 3333)')
group2 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Commands')
group2.add_option('-c', '--create', dest='create', metavar='[FILE]',
help='Create project from file. The filename ending (e.g. .csv) defines the input format (csv,tsv,xml,json,txt,xls,xlsx,ods)')
group2.add_option('-l', '--list', dest='list', action='store_true',
help='List projects')
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
group3 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Commands with argument [PROJECTID/PROJECTNAME]')
group3.add_option('-d', '--delete', dest='delete', action='store_true',
help='Delete project')
group3.add_option('-f', '--apply', dest='apply', metavar='[FILE]',
help='Apply JSON rules to OpenRefine project')
group3.add_option('-E', '--export', dest='export', action='store_true',
help='Export project in tsv format to stdout.')
group3.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='[FILE]',
help='Export project to file. The filename ending (e.g. .tsv) defines the output format (csv,tsv,xls,xlsx,html)')
group3.add_option('--info', dest='info', action='store_true',
help='show project metadata')
group4 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Create options')
group4.add_option('--columnWidths', dest='columnWidths',
help='(txt/fixed-width) please provide widths separated by comma (e.g. 7,5)')
group4.add_option('--encoding', dest='encoding',
help='(csv,tsv,txt), please provide short encoding name (e.g. UTF-8)')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--guessCellValueTypes', dest='guessCellValueTypes', metavar='true/false', choices=('true', 'false'),
help='(xml,csv,tsv,txt,json, default: false)')
group4.add_option('--headerLines', dest='headerLines', type="int",
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(csv,tsv,txt/fixed-width,xls,xlsx,ods), default: 1, default txt/fixed-width: 0')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--ignoreLines', dest='ignoreLines', type="int",
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: -1')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--includeFileSources', dest='includeFileSources', metavar='true/false', choices=('true', 'false'),
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(all formats), default: false')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--limit', dest='limit', type="int",
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(all formats), default: -1')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--linesPerRow', dest='linesPerRow', type="int",
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(txt/line-based), default: 1')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--processQuotes', dest='processQuotes', metavar='true/false', choices=('true', 'false'),
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(csv,tsv), default: true')
group4.add_option('--projectName', dest='project_name',
help='(all formats), default: filename')
group4.add_option('--recordPath', dest='recordPath', action='append',
help='(xml,json), please provide path in multiple arguments without slashes, e.g. /collection/record/ should be entered like this: --recordPath=collection --recordPath=record, default xml: record, default json: _ _')
group4.add_option('--separator', dest='separator',
help='(csv,tsv), default csv: , default tsv: \\t')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--sheets', dest='sheets', action='append', type="int",
help='(xls,xlsx,ods), please provide sheets in multiple arguments, e.g. --sheets=0 --sheets=1, default: 0 (first sheet)')
group4.add_option('--skipDataLines', dest='skipDataLines', type="int",
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: 0, default line-based: -1')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--storeBlankRows', dest='storeBlankRows', metavar='true/false', choices=('true', 'false'),
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: true')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--storeBlankCellsAsNulls', dest='storeBlankCellsAsNulls', metavar='true/false', choices=('true', 'false'),
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(csv,tsv,txt,xls,xlsx,ods), default: true')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--storeEmptyStrings', dest='storeEmptyStrings', metavar='true/false', choices=('true', 'false'),
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(xml,json), default: true')
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
group4.add_option('--trimStrings', dest='trimStrings', metavar='true/false', choices=('true', 'false'),
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
help='(xml,json), default: false')
group5 = optparse.OptionGroup(PARSER, 'Legacy options')
group5.add_option('--format', dest='input_format',
help='Specify input format (csv,tsv,xml,json,line-based,fixed-width,xls,xlsx,ods)')
def list_projects():
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
"""Query the OpenRefine server and list projects by ID: name."""
projects = refine.Refine(refine.RefineServer()).list_projects().items()
def date_to_epoch(json_dt):
"""Convert a JSON date time into seconds-since-epoch."""
return time.mktime(time.strptime(json_dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'))
projects.sort(key=lambda v: date_to_epoch(v[1]['modified']), reverse=True)
for project_id, project_info in projects:
print('{0:>14}: {1}'.format(project_id, project_info['name']))
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
def info(project):
projects = refine.Refine(refine.RefineServer()).list_projects().items()
for project_id, project_info in projects:
if project == project_id:
print('{0}: {1}'.format('id', project_id))
print('{0}: {1}'.format('name', project_info['name']))
print('{0}: {1}'.format('created', project_info['created']))
print('{0}: {1}'.format('modified', project_info['modified']))
def export_project(project, options):
"""Dump a project to stdout or options.output file."""
export_format = 'tsv'
if options.output:
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
ext = os.path.splitext(options.output)[1][1:]
if ext:
export_format = ext.lower()
output = open(options.output, 'wb')
output = sys.stdout
#noinspection PyPep8Naming
def main():
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
"""Command line interface."""
# get environment variables in docker network
2017-02-02 11:05:14 +01:00
docker_host = os.environ.get('OPENREFINE_SERVER_PORT_3333_TCP_ADDR')
if docker_host:
os.environ["OPENREFINE_HOST"] = docker_host
refine.REFINE_HOST = docker_host
2017-02-02 11:05:14 +01:00
docker_port = os.environ.get('OPENREFINE_SERVER_PORT_3333_TCP_PORT')
if docker_port:
os.environ["OPENREFINE_PORT"] = docker_port
refine.REFINE_PORT = docker_port
options, args = PARSER.parse_args()
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
commands_dict = { group2_arg.dest : getattr(options, group2_arg.dest) for group2_arg in group2.option_list }
commands_dict.update({ group3_arg.dest : getattr(options, group3_arg.dest) for group3_arg in group3.option_list })
commands_dict = { k: v for k, v in commands_dict.items() if v != None }
if not commands_dict:
if args and not str.isdigit(args[0]):
projects = refine.Refine(refine.RefineServer()).list_projects().items()
idlist = []
for project_id, project_info in projects:
if args[0] == project_info['name']:
if len(idlist) > 1:
raise Exception('Found at least two projects. Please specify project by id.')
args[0] = idlist[0]
refine.REFINE_HOST =
if options.port:
refine.REFINE_PORT = options.port
if options.list:
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
if options.create:
# general defaults are defined in google/refine/ new_project
# additional defaults for each file type
defaults = {}
defaults['xml'] = { 'project_format' : 'text/xml', 'recordPath' : 'record' }
defaults['csv'] = { 'project_format' : 'text/line-based/*sv', 'separator' : ',' }
defaults['tsv'] = { 'project_format' : 'text/line-based/*sv', 'separator' : '\t' }
defaults['line-based'] = { 'project_format' : 'text/line-based', 'skipDataLines' : -1 }
defaults['fixed-width'] = { 'project_format' : 'text/line-based/fixed-width', 'headerLines' : 0 }
defaults['json'] = { 'project_format' : 'text/json', 'recordPath' : ('_', '_') }
defaults['xls'] = { 'project_format' : 'binary/text/xml/xls/xlsx', 'sheets' : 0 }
defaults['xlsx'] = { 'project_format' : 'binary/text/xml/xls/xlsx', 'sheets' : 0 }
defaults['ods'] = { 'project_format' : 'text/xml/ods', 'sheets' : 0 }
# guess format from file extension (or legacy option --format)
input_format = os.path.splitext(options.create)[1][1:].lower()
if input_format == 'txt' and options.columnWidths:
input_format = 'fixed_width'
if input_format == 'txt' and not options.columnWidths:
input_format = 'line_based'
if options.input_format:
input_format = options.input_format
# defaults for selected format
input_dict = defaults[input_format]
# user input
input_user = { group4_arg.dest : getattr(options, group4_arg.dest) for group4_arg in group4.option_list }
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
input_user['strings'] = { k: v for k, v in input_user.items() if v != None and v not in ['true', 'false'] }
input_user['trues'] = { k: True for k, v in input_user.items() if v == 'true' }
input_user['falses'] = { k: False for k, v in input_user.items() if v == 'false' }
input_user_eval = input_user['strings']
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
# merge defaults with user input
2017-11-20 04:53:58 +01:00
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
input_dict['project_file'] = options.create
if options.delete:
if options.apply:
project = refine.RefineProject(args[0])
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
response = project.apply_operations(options.apply)
if response != 'ok':
print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to apply %s: %s' \
% (options.apply, response)
if options.export or options.output:
project = refine.RefineProject(args[0])
export_project(project, options)
return project
2017-11-19 23:26:22 +01:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
# return project so that it's available interactively, python -i
refine_project = main()