# Docker container for mermaid [mermaid](http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/) is an open source tool for generating diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown. This docker image contains mermaid 7.0.0 and is build on top of the official node 8.8.1 image. * [GitHub Repository with Dockerbuild files](https://github.com/felixlohmeier/mermaid-docker) * [Docker Hub with docker images](https://hub.docker.com/r/felixlohmeier/mermaid) ## fixed versions * [mermaid 7.0.0](https://yarn.pm/mermaid) * [node 8.8.1](https://hub.docker.com/_/node/) * [phantomjs 2.1.4](https://yarn.pm/phantomjs-prebuilt) ## usage #### Docker command > docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/data:z -u "$UID:$GID" felixlohmeier/mermaid myflowchart.mdd #### Docker compose file ``` version: '3.7' services: mermaid: user: "$UID:$GID" image: felixlohmeier/mermaid volumes: - ./:/data:z command: ["-s", "-p", "myflowchart.mdd"] ``` ## typical workflow 1. Create your graph in [mermaid's live editor](https://mermaidjs.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/) 2. Copy & paste your graph config in a text editor and save it to a local file 3. Download a stylesheet from (and customize it if you want) 4. Run a docker container with this Docker image to create png and svg. ## Example * render both formats (svg + png): `-s -p` * width of the png: 600 pixel: `-w 600` * apply custom stylesheet [mermaid.neutral.css](https://unpkg.com/mermaid@7.0.13/dist/themes/mermaid.neutral.css) from local file `-t mermaid.neutral.css` * name of local file containing graph config: `myflowchart.mmd` > docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/data:z -u "$UID:$GID" felixlohmeier/mermaid -s -p -w 600 -t mermaid.neutral.css myflowchart.mmd