
152 lines
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* (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e.V. <>
* This file is part of the Kitodo and TYPO3 projects.
* @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* Plugin 'DLF: Audioplayer' for the 'dlf' extension.
* @author Sebastian Meyer <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tx_dlf
* @access public
class tx_dlf_audioplayer extends tx_dlf_plugin {
public $scriptRelPath = 'plugins/audioplayer/class.tx_dlf_audioplayer.php';
* Holds the current audio file's URL, MIME type and optional label
* @var array
* @access protected
protected $audio = array ();
* Adds Player javascript
* @access protected
* @return string Player script tags ready for output
protected function addPlayerJS() {
$output = array ();
$output[] = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath($this->extKey).'lib/jPlayer/blue.monday/css/">';
$output[] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath($this->extKey).'lib/jPlayer/jquery.jplayer.min.js"></script>';
$output[] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath($this->extKey).'plugins/audioplayer/js/tx_dlf_audioplayer.js"></script>';
// Add player configuration.
$output[] = '
#tx-dlf-audio { width: 100px; height: 100px };
<script id="tx-dlf-audioplayer-initViewer" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
tx_dlf_audioplayer = new dlfAudioPlayer({
audio: {
mimeType: "' . $this->audio['mimetype'].'",
title: "' . $this->audio['label'].'",
url: "' . $this->audio['url'].'"
parentElId: "tx-dlf-audio",
swfPath: "'.\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath($this->extKey).'lib/jPlayer/jquery.jplayer.swf"
return implode("\n", $output);
* The main method of the PlugIn
* @access public
* @param string $content: The PlugIn content
* @param array $conf: The PlugIn configuration
* @return string The content that is displayed on the website
public function main($content, $conf) {
// Load current document.
if ($this->doc === NULL || $this->doc->numPages < 1) {
// Quit without doing anything if required variables are not set.
return $content;
} else {
// Set default values if not set.
// $this->piVars['page'] may be integer or string (physical structure @ID)
if ((int) $this->piVars['page'] > 0 || empty($this->piVars['page'])) {
$this->piVars['page'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange((int) $this->piVars['page'], 1, $this->doc->numPages, 1);
} else {
$this->piVars['page'] = array_search($this->piVars['page'], $this->doc->physicalStructure);
$this->piVars['double'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->piVars['double'], 0, 1, 0);
// Check if there are any audio files available.
if (!empty($this->doc->physicalStructureInfo[$this->doc->physicalStructure[$this->piVars['page']]]['files'][$this->conf['fileGrpAudio']])) {
// Get audio data.
$this->audio['url'] = $this->doc->getFileLocation($this->doc->physicalStructureInfo[$this->doc->physicalStructure[$this->piVars['page']]]['files'][$this->conf['fileGrpAudio']]);
$this->audio['label'] = $this->doc->physicalStructureInfo[$this->doc->physicalStructure[$this->piVars['page']]]['label'];
$this->audio['mimetype'] = $this->doc->getFileMimeType($this->doc->physicalStructureInfo[$this->doc->physicalStructure[$this->piVars['page']]]['files'][$this->conf['fileGrpAudio']]);
} else {
// Quit without doing anything if required variables are not set.
return $content;
// Load template file.
if (!empty($this->conf['templateFile'])) {
$this->template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templateFile']), '###TEMPLATE###');
} else {
$this->template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($this->cObj->fileResource('EXT:dlf/plugins/audioplayer/template.tmpl'), '###TEMPLATE###');
// Fill in the template markers.
$markerArray = array (
'###PLAYER_JS###' => $this->addPlayerJS()
$content .= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->template, $markerArray);
return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content);