
443 lines
15 KiB

* (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e.V. <>
* This file is part of the Kitodo and TYPO3 projects.
* @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* Right know the image manipulation uses an own ol.Map object based on a webgl renderer. This is due to the fact
* that other parts of the viewer application are using vector geometries and ol3 does only support full vector
* renderering with the canvas and dom renderer yet. In contrast the image manipulation tool is only working
* with a webgl renderer. Therefore it uses an own ol.Map object which is overlaid and synchronized with the
* base ol.Map object.
* @constructor
* @param {Object=} options Control options.
* {Array.<ol.layer.Layer>} layers
* {Element} target
* {ol.View} view
* {ol.Map} map
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl = function(options) {
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.dic = $('#tx-dlf-tools-imagetools').length > 0 && $('#tx-dlf-tools-imagetools').attr('data-dic') ?
dlfUtils.parseDataDic($('#tx-dlf-tools-imagetools')) :
{'imagemanipulation-on':'Activate image manipulation', 'imagemanipulation-off':'Deactivate image manipulation', 'saturation':'Saturation', 'hue':'Hue', 'brightness':'Brightness', 'contrast':'Contrast', 'reset':'Reset', 'invert':'Color inverting', 'parentContainer':'.tx-dlf-imagemanipulationtool'};
* @type {Array.<ol.layer.Layer>}
* @private
this.layers = options.layers;
* @type {ol.Map}
* @private
this.baseMap_ =;
* @type {ol.Map|undefined}
* @private
this.map_ = undefined;
* @type {ol.View}
* @private
this.view_ = options.view;
* @type {Element}
* @private
this.anchor_ = $('<a/>', {
href: '#image-manipulation',
text: this.dic['imagemanipulation-on'],
title: this.dic['imagemanipulation-on']
* @type {Element}
* @private
this.toolContainerEl_ = dlfUtils.exists(options.toolContainer) ? options.toolContainer : $(this.dic['parentContainer'])[0];
// Append open/close behavior to toolbox
var openToolbox = $.proxy(function(event) {
if ($('active')){
}, this);
$(this.anchor_).on('click', openToolbox);
$(this.anchor_).on('touchstart', openToolbox);
// Initialize the filter
'brightness': 1,
'contrast': 1,
'hue': 0,
'saturation': 0
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.filters_ = $.extend({}, FILTERS_DEFAULT_);
* Is filter updated
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.filterUpdated_ = false;
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.handler_ = {
'postcomposeImageFilter': $.proxy(function (event) {
var webglContext = event['glContext'],
canvas = $('#' + this.map_.getTargetElement().id + ' canvas.ol-unselectable')[0];
if (webglContext !== undefined && webglContext !== null) {
var gl = webglContext.getGL();
if (this.filterUpdated_) {
for (var filter in this.filters_) {
glif.addFilter(filter, this.filters_[String(filter)]);
this.filterUpdated_ = false;
glif.apply(gl, canvas);
// for showing openlayers that the program changed
// if missing openlayers will produce errors because it
// expected other shaders in the webgl program
}, this),
'resetFilter': $.proxy(function(event) {
// reset the checked filters
if (this.filters_.hasOwnProperty('invert')) {
// reset the slider filters
var sliderEls = $('.slider.slider-imagemanipulation');
for (var i = 0; i < sliderEls.length; i++) {
var sliderEl = sliderEls[i],
type = sliderEl.getAttribute('data-type'),
value = FILTERS_DEFAULT_[String(type)];
$(sliderEl).slider('value', value);
}, this)
* Activates the image manipulation tool
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.activate = function(){
// Toggle maps
// fadeOut the base map container
// fadeIn image map container
if (!dlfUtils.exists(this.map_)) {
// create map container and map object if not exists yet
// Show map
// trigger open event
$(this).trigger("activate-imagemanipulation", this.map_);
}, this));
// Toggle toolbox controls
.attr('title', this.dic['imagemanipulation-off']);
if (!dlfUtils.exists(this.sliderContainer_)) {
// in case filter sliders are not initialize yet add them
// add postcompose listener to layers
if (this.map_ !== undefined)
this.map_.on('postcompose', this.handler_.postcomposeImageFilter);
* Setup the image manipulation filters + reset functionality
* @private
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.createFilters_ = function() {
// create outer container
var outerContainer = $('<div class="image-manipulation ol-unselectable"></div>');
* Inner slider container
* @type {Element}
* @private
this.sliderContainer_ = $('<div class="slider-container"></div>');
// Create sliders for filters and append them to the toolbox
var contrastSlider = this.createSlider_('slider-contrast', 'horizontal', 'contrast',
[1, 0, 2, 0.01], this.dic['contrast'], function(v) {
return parseInt(v * 100 - 100);
saturationSlider = this.createSlider_('slider-saturation', 'horizontal', 'saturation',
[0, -1, 1, 0.01], this.dic['saturation'], function(v) {
return parseInt(v * 100);
brightnessSlider = this.createSlider_('slider-brightness', 'horizontal', 'brightness',
[1, 0, 2, 0.1], this.dic['brightness'],function(v) {
return parseInt(v * 100 - 100);
hueSlider = this.createSlider_('slider-hue', 'horizontal', 'hue',
[0, -180, 180, 5], this.dic['hue'], function(v) {
return parseInt(v);
// add invert filter
var elFilterId = 'invert-filter';
$(this.sliderContainer_).append($('<div class="checkbox"><label><input type="checkbox" id="' + elFilterId + '">' +
this.dic['invert'] + '</label></div>'));
$('#' + elFilterId).on('click', $.proxy(function(event) {
if ( === true && !this.filters_.hasOwnProperty('invert')) {
// if checked add the invert filter to the filters
this.filters_['invert'] = true;
} else {
// remove invert filter
if (this.filters_.hasOwnProperty('invert')) {
delete this.filters_['invert'];
// update filter chain
this.filterUpdated_ = true;
}, this));
// button for reset to default state
var resetBtn = $('<button class="reset-btn" title="' + this.dic['reset'] + '">' + this.dic['reset'] + '</button>');
$(resetBtn).on('click', this.handler_.resetFilter);
* Setup the map object used from the image manipulation tool and bind it to the baseMap
* @private
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.createMap_ = function() {
var mapEl_ = $('<div id="tx-dlf-map-manipulate" class="tx-dlf-map"></div>');
this.map_ = new ol.Map({
layers: this.layers,
target: mapEl_[0].id,
controls: [],
interactions: [
new ol.interaction.DragRotate(),
new ol.interaction.DragPan(),
new ol.interaction.DragZoom(),
new ol.interaction.PinchRotate(),
new ol.interaction.PinchZoom(),
new ol.interaction.MouseWheelZoom(),
new ol.interaction.KeyboardPan(),
new ol.interaction.KeyboardZoom(),
new ol.interaction.DragRotateAndZoom()
// necessary for proper working of the keyboard events
keyboardEventTarget: document,
view: this.view_,
renderer: 'webgl'
// couple map behavior with baseMap
var adjustViews = function(sourceView, destMap) {
var rotateDiff = sourceView.getRotation() !== destMap.getView().getRotation();
var resDiff = sourceView.getResolution() !== destMap.getView().getResolution();
var centerDiff = sourceView.getCenter() !== destMap.getView().getCenter();
if (rotateDiff || resDiff || centerDiff) {
destMap.zoomTo(sourceView.getCenter(),sourceView.getZoom(), 50);
adjustViewHandler = function(event) {
adjustViews(, this);
// when deactivate / activate adjust both map centers / zoom
$(this).on("activate-imagemanipulation", $.proxy(function(event, map) {
// pass change events for resolution and rotation to image manipulation map
// created through external view controls
this.baseMap_.getView().on('change:resolution', adjustViewHandler, this.map_);
this.baseMap_.getView().on('change:rotation', adjustViewHandler, this.map_);
// adjust the view of both maps
adjustViews(this.baseMap_.getView(), this.map_);
}, this));
$(this).on("deactivate-imagemanipulation", $.proxy(function(event, map) {
// pass change events for resolution and rotation to image manipulation map
// created through external view controls
this.baseMap_.getView().un('change:resolution', adjustViewHandler, this.map_);
this.baseMap_.getView().un('change:rotation', adjustViewHandler, this.map_);
// adjust the view of both maps
adjustViews(this.map_.getView(), this.baseMap_);
}, this));
* Functions creates a slider + behavior.
* @param {string} className
* @param {string} orientation
* @param {string} key
* @param {Array.<number>|undefined} opt_baseValue
* @param {string=} opt_title
* @param {Function=} opt_labelFn
* @return {Element}
* @private
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.createSlider_ = function(className, orientation, key, opt_baseValues, opt_title, opt_labelFn){
var title = dlfUtils.exists('opt_title') ? opt_title : '',
sliderEl = $('<div class="slider slider-imagemanipulation ' + className + '" title="' + title + '" data-type="' +
key +'"></div>'),
baseMin = dlfUtils.exists(opt_baseValues) ? opt_baseValues[1] : 0,
baseMax = dlfUtils.exists(opt_baseValues) ? opt_baseValues[2] : 100,
steps = dlfUtils.exists(opt_baseValues) ? opt_baseValues[3] : 1,
startValue = dlfUtils.exists(opt_baseValues) ? opt_baseValues[0] : 100;
* @param {Object} event
* @param {Object} ui
var update = $.proxy(function(event, ui){
var value = ui['value'],
layer = this.layers[0],
element = valueEl[0],
labelValue = dlfUtils.exists(opt_labelFn) ? opt_labelFn(value) : value + '%';
if (orientation === 'vertical') {
var style_top = 100 - ((value - baseMin) / (baseMax - baseMin) * 100); = style_top + '%';
element.innerHTML = labelValue;
var style_left = (value - baseMin) / (baseMax - baseMin) * 100; = style_left + '%';
element.innerHTML = labelValue;
// update filters.
this.filters_[key] = value;
this.filterUpdated_ = true;
}, this);
'min': baseMin,
'max': baseMax,
'value': startValue,
'animate': 'slow',
'step': steps,
'slide': update,
'change': update
// append tooltips
var innerHtml = dlfUtils.exists(opt_labelFn) && dlfUtils.exists(opt_baseValues) ? opt_labelFn(opt_baseValues[0]) : '100%',
valueEl = $('<div class="tooltip value ' + className + '">' + innerHtml + '</div>');
return sliderEl;
* Deactivates the image manipulation control
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.deactivate = function(){
// toggle maps
if (dlfUtils.exists(this.map_)) {
// toggle view of image manipulation control element
.attr('title', this.dic['imagemanipulation-on']);
// remove postcompose listener to map
if (this.map_ !== undefined)
this.map_.un('postcompose', this.handler_.postcomposeImageFilter);
// trigger close event for trigger map adjust behavior
* Function checks if the image manipulation is in active state or not.
* @return {boolean}
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.isActive = function() {
return $(this.anchor_).hasClass('active');