
373 lines
18 KiB

* (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e.V. <>
* This file is part of the Kitodo and TYPO3 projects.
* @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Kitodo\Dlf\Plugin;
use Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document;
use Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Helper;
use Kitodo\Dlf\Common\IiifManifest;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\QueryBuilder;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use Ubl\Iiif\Context\IRI;
* Plugin 'Metadata' for the 'dlf' extension
* @author Sebastian Meyer <>
* @author Siegfried Schweizer <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage dlf
* @access public
class Metadata extends \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\AbstractPlugin
public $scriptRelPath = 'Classes/Plugin/Metadata.php';
* This holds the hook objects
* @var array
* @access protected
protected $hookObjects = [];
* The main method of the PlugIn
* @access public
* @param string $content: The PlugIn content
* @param array $conf: The PlugIn configuration
* @return string The content that is displayed on the website
public function main($content, $conf)
// Turn cache on.
// Load current document.
if ($this->doc === null) {
// Quit without doing anything if required variables are not set.
return $content;
} else {
// Set default values if not set.
if (!isset($this->conf['rootline'])) {
$this->conf['rootline'] = 0;
if (!isset($this->conf['originalIiifMetadata'])) {
$this->conf['originalIiifMetadata'] = 0;
if (!isset($this->conf['displayIiifDescription'])) {
$this->conf['displayIiifDescription'] = 1;
if (!isset($this->conf['displayIiifRights'])) {
$this->conf['displayIiifRights'] = 1;
if (!isset($this->conf['displayIiifLinks'])) {
$this->conf['displayIiifLinks'] = 1;
$useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata = $this->conf['originalIiifMetadata'] == 1 && $this->doc instanceof IiifManifest;
$metadata = [];
if ($this->conf['rootline'] < 2) {
// Get current structure's @ID.
$ids = [];
if (!empty($this->doc->physicalStructure[$this->piVars['page']]) && !empty($this->doc->smLinks['p2l'][$this->doc->physicalStructure[$this->piVars['page']]])) {
foreach ($this->doc->smLinks['p2l'][$this->doc->physicalStructure[$this->piVars['page']]] as $logId) {
$count = $this->doc->getStructureDepth($logId);
$ids[$count][] = $logId;
// Check if we should display all metadata up to the root.
if ($this->conf['rootline'] == 1) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
foreach ($id as $sid) {
if ($useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata) {
$data = $this->doc->getManifestMetadata($sid, $this->conf['pages']);
} else {
$data = $this->doc->getMetadata($sid, $this->conf['pages']);
if (!empty($data)) {
$data['_id'] = $sid;
$metadata[] = $data;
} else {
$id = array_pop($ids);
if (is_array($id)) {
foreach ($id as $sid) {
if ($useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata) {
$data = $this->doc->getManifestMetadata($sid, $this->conf['pages']);
} else {
$data = $this->doc->getMetadata($sid, $this->conf['pages']);
if (!empty($data)) {
$data['_id'] = $sid;
$metadata[] = $data;
// Get titledata?
if (empty($metadata) || ($this->conf['rootline'] == 1 && $metadata[0]['_id'] != $this->doc->toplevelId)) {
$data = $useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata ? $this->doc->getManifestMetadata($this->doc->toplevelId, $this->conf['pages']) : $this->doc->getTitleData($this->conf['pages']);
$data['_id'] = $this->doc->toplevelId;
array_unshift($metadata, $data);
if (empty($metadata)) {
Helper::devLog('No metadata found for document with UID ' . $this->doc->uid, DEVLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
return $content;
// Get hook objects.
$this->hookObjects = Helper::getHookObjects($this->scriptRelPath);
// Hook for getting a customized title bar (requested by SBB).
foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'main_customizeTitleBarGetCustomTemplate')) {
$hookObj->main_customizeTitleBarGetCustomTemplate($this, $metadata);
$content .= $this->printMetadata($metadata, $useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata);
return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content);
* Prepares the metadata array for output
* @access protected
* @param array $metadataArray: The metadata array
* @param bool $useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata: Output IIIF metadata as simple key/value pairs?
* @return string The metadata array ready for output
protected function printMetadata(array $metadataArray, $useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata = false)
// Load template file.
$output = '';
$subpart['block'] = $this->templateService->getSubpart($this->template, '###BLOCK###');
// Get list of metadata to show.
$metaList = [];
if ($useOriginalIiifManifestMetadata) {
if ($this->conf['iiifMetadataWrap']) {
$iiifwrap = $this->parseTS($this->conf['iiifMetadataWrap']);
} else {
$iiifwrap['key.']['wrap'] = '<dt>|</dt>';
$iiifwrap['value.']['required'] = 1;
$iiifwrap['value.']['wrap'] = '<dd>|</dd>';
$iiifLink = [];
$iiifLink['key.']['wrap'] = '<dt>|</dt>';
$iiifLink['value.']['required'] = 1;
$iiifLink['value.']['setContentToCurrent'] = 1;
$iiifLink['value.']['typolink.']['parameter.']['current'] = 1;
$iiifLink['value.']['wrap'] = '<dd>|</dd>';
// Save original data array.
$cObjData = $this->cObj->data;
foreach ($metadataArray as $metadata) {
foreach ($metadata as $key => $group) {
$markerArray['###METADATA###'] = '<span class="tx-dlf-metadata-group">' . $this->pi_getLL($key) . '</span>';
// Reset content object's data array.
$this->cObj->data = $cObjData;
if (!is_array($group)) {
if ($key == '_id') {
$this->cObj->data[$key] = $group;
if (
&& (($scheme = (new IRI($this->cObj->data[$key]))->getScheme()) == 'http' || $scheme == 'https')
) {
$field = $this->cObj->stdWrap('', $iiifLink['key.']);
$field .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->cObj->data[$key], $iiifLink['value.']);
} else {
$field = $this->cObj->stdWrap('', $iiifwrap['key.']);
$field .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->cObj->data[$key], $iiifwrap['value.']);
$markerArray['###METADATA###'] .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($field, $iiifwrap['all.']);
} else {
// Load all the metadata values into the content object's data array.
foreach ($group as $label => $value) {
if ($label == '_id') {
if (is_array($value)) {
$this->cObj->data[$label] = implode($this->conf['separator'], $value);
} else {
$this->cObj->data[$label] = $value;
if (IRI::isAbsoluteIri($this->cObj->data[$label]) && (($scheme = (new IRI($this->cObj->data[$label]))->getScheme()) == 'http' || $scheme == 'https')) {
$nolabel = $this->cObj->data[$label] == $label;
$field = $this->cObj->stdWrap($nolabel ? '' : htmlspecialchars($label), $iiifLink['key.']);
$field .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->cObj->data[$label], $iiifLink['value.']);
} else {
$field = $this->cObj->stdWrap(htmlspecialchars($label), $iiifwrap['key.']);
$field .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->cObj->data[$label], $iiifwrap['value.']);
$markerArray['###METADATA###'] .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($field, $iiifwrap['all.']);
$output .= $this->templateService->substituteMarkerArray($subpart['block'], $markerArray);
} else {
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
$result = $queryBuilder
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_name AS index_name',
'tx_dlf_metadata.is_listed AS is_listed',
'tx_dlf_metadata.wrap AS wrap',
'tx_dlf_metadata.sys_language_uid AS sys_language_uid'
$queryBuilder->expr()->in('tx_dlf_metadata.sys_language_uid', [-1, 0]),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_metadata.sys_language_uid', $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid)
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_metadata.l18n_parent', 0)
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($this->conf['pages'])),
while ($resArray = $result->fetch()) {
if (is_array($resArray) && $resArray['sys_language_uid'] != $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_content && $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_contentOL) {
$resArray = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordOverlay('tx_dlf_metadata', $resArray, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_content, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_contentOL);
if ($resArray) {
if ($this->conf['showFull'] || $resArray['is_listed']) {
$metaList[$resArray['index_name']] = [
'wrap' => $resArray['wrap'],
'label' => Helper::translate($resArray['index_name'], 'tx_dlf_metadata', $this->conf['pages'])
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
// Get list of collections to show.
$collList = [];
$result = $queryBuilder
->select('tx_dlf_collections.index_name AS index_name')
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($this->conf['pages'])),
while ($resArray = $result->fetch()) {
$collList[] = $resArray['index_name'];
// Save original data array.
$cObjData = $this->cObj->data;
// Parse the metadata arrays.
foreach ($metadataArray as $metadata) {
$markerArray['###METADATA###'] = '';
// Reset content object's data array.
$this->cObj->data = $cObjData;
// Load all the metadata values into the content object's data array.
foreach ($metadata as $index_name => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$this->cObj->data[$index_name] = implode($this->conf['separator'], $value);
} else {
$this->cObj->data[$index_name] = $value;
// Process each metadate.
foreach ($metaList as $index_name => $metaConf) {
if (!empty($metadata[$index_name])) {
$parsedValue = '';
$fieldwrap = $this->parseTS($metaConf['wrap']);
do {
$value = @array_shift($metadata[$index_name]);
if ($index_name == 'title') {
// Get title of parent document if needed.
if (empty($value) && $this->conf['getTitle'] && $this->doc->parentId) {
$superiorTitle = Document::getTitle($this->doc->parentId, true);
if (!empty($superiorTitle)) {
$value = '[' . $superiorTitle . ']';
if (!empty($value)) {
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
// Link title to pageview.
if ($this->conf['linkTitle'] && $metadata['_id']) {
$details = $this->doc->getLogicalStructure($metadata['_id']);
$value = $this->pi_linkTP($value, [$this->prefixId => ['id' => $this->doc->uid, 'page' => (!empty($details['points']) ? intval($details['points']) : 1)]], true, $this->conf['targetPid']);
} elseif ($index_name == 'owner' && !empty($value)) {
// Translate name of holding library.
$value = htmlspecialchars(Helper::translate($value, 'tx_dlf_libraries', $this->conf['pages']));
} elseif ($index_name == 'type' && !empty($value)) {
// Translate document type.
$value = htmlspecialchars(Helper::translate($value, 'tx_dlf_structures', $this->conf['pages']));
} elseif ($index_name == 'collection' && !empty($value)) {
// Check if collections isn't hidden.
if (in_array($value, $collList)) {
// Translate collection.
$value = htmlspecialchars(Helper::translate($value, 'tx_dlf_collections', $this->conf['pages']));
} else {
$value = '';
} elseif ($index_name == 'language' && !empty($value)) {
// Translate ISO 639 language code.
$value = htmlspecialchars(Helper::getLanguageName($value));
} elseif (!empty($value)) {
// Sanitize value for output.
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
if (!empty($value)) {
// Hook for getting a customized value (requested by SBB).
foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'printMetadata_customizeMetadata')) {
$value = $this->cObj->stdWrap($value, $fieldwrap['value.']);
$parsedValue .= $value;
} while (count($metadata[$index_name]));
if (!empty($parsedValue)) {
$field = $this->cObj->stdWrap(htmlspecialchars($metaConf['label']), $fieldwrap['key.']);
$field .= $parsedValue;
$markerArray['###METADATA###'] .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($field, $fieldwrap['all.']);
$output .= $this->templateService->substituteMarkerArray($subpart['block'], $markerArray);
return $this->templateService->substituteSubpart($this->template, '###BLOCK###', $output, true);