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22 KiB

* (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e.V. <>
* This file is part of the Kitodo and TYPO3 projects.
* @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Kitodo\Dlf\Common;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility;
use Ubl\Iiif\Presentation\Common\Model\Resources\AnnotationContainerInterface;
use Ubl\Iiif\Tools\IiifHelper;
* Indexer class for the 'dlf' extension
* @author Sebastian Meyer <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage dlf
* @access public
class Indexer
* The extension key
* @var string
* @access public
public static $extKey = 'dlf';
* Array of metadata fields' configuration
* @see loadIndexConf()
* @var array
* @access protected
protected static $fields = [
'autocomplete' => [],
'facets' => [],
'sortables' => [],
'indexed' => [],
'stored' => [],
'tokenized' => [],
'fieldboost' => []
* Is the index configuration loaded?
* @see $fields
* @var bool
* @access protected
protected static $fieldsLoaded = false;
* List of already processed documents
* @var array
* @access protected
protected static $processedDocs = [];
* Instance of \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Solr class
* @var \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Solr
* @access protected
protected static $solr;
* Insert given document into Solr index
* @access public
* @param \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document &$doc: The document to add
* @param int $core: UID of the Solr core to use
* @return int 0 on success or 1 on failure
public static function add(Document &$doc, $core = 0)
if (in_array($doc->uid, self::$processedDocs)) {
return 0;
} elseif (self::solrConnect($core, $doc->pid)) {
$errors = 0;
// Handle multi-volume documents.
if ($doc->parentId) {
$parent = Document::getInstance($doc->parentId, 0, true);
if ($parent->ready) {
$errors = self::add($parent, $core);
} else {
Helper::devLog('Could not load parent document with UID ' . $doc->parentId, DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
return 1;
try {
// Add document to list of processed documents.
self::$processedDocs[] = $doc->uid;
// Delete old Solr documents.
$updateQuery = self::$solr->service->createUpdate();
$updateQuery->addDeleteQuery('uid:' . $doc->uid);
// Index every logical unit as separate Solr document.
foreach ($doc->tableOfContents as $logicalUnit) {
if (!$errors) {
$errors = self::processLogical($doc, $logicalUnit);
} else {
// Index fulltext files if available.
if ($doc->hasFulltext) {
foreach ($doc->physicalStructure as $pageNumber => $xmlId) {
if (!$errors) {
$errors = self::processPhysical($doc, $pageNumber, $doc->physicalStructureInfo[$xmlId]);
} else {
// Commit all changes.
$updateQuery = self::$solr->service->createUpdate();
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
// Get document title from database.
$result = $queryBuilder
->select('tx_dlf_documents.title AS title')
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_documents.uid', intval($doc->uid)),
$allResults = $result->fetchAll();
$resArray = $allResults[0];
if (!$errors) {
htmlspecialchars(sprintf(Helper::getMessage('flash.documentIndexed'), $resArray['title'], $doc->uid)),
Helper::getMessage('flash.done', true),
} else {
htmlspecialchars(sprintf(Helper::getMessage('flash.documentNotIndexed'), $resArray['title'], $doc->uid)),
Helper::getMessage('flash.error', true),
return $errors;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Helper::getMessage('flash.solrException', true) . '<br />' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()),
Helper::getMessage('flash.error', true),
Helper::devLog('Apache Solr threw exception: "' . $e->getMessage() . '"', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
return 1;
} else {
Helper::getMessage('flash.solrNoConnection', true),
Helper::getMessage('flash.warning', true),
Helper::devLog('Could not connect to Apache Solr server', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
return 1;
* Returns the dynamic index field name for the given metadata field.
* @access public
* @param string $index_name: The metadata field's name in database
* @param int $pid: UID of the configuration page
* @return string The field's dynamic index name
public static function getIndexFieldName($index_name, $pid = 0)
// Sanitize input.
$pid = max(intval($pid), 0);
if (!$pid) {
Helper::devLog('Invalid PID ' . $pid . ' for metadata configuration', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
return '';
// Load metadata configuration.
// Build field's suffix.
$suffix = (in_array($index_name, self::$fields['tokenized']) ? 't' : 'u');
$suffix .= (in_array($index_name, self::$fields['stored']) ? 's' : 'u');
$suffix .= (in_array($index_name, self::$fields['indexed']) ? 'i' : 'u');
$index_name .= '_' . $suffix;
return $index_name;
* Load indexing configuration
* @access protected
* @param int $pid: The configuration page's UID
* @return void
protected static function loadIndexConf($pid)
if (!self::$fieldsLoaded) {
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
// Get the metadata indexing options.
$result = $queryBuilder
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_name AS index_name',
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_tokenized AS index_tokenized',
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_stored AS index_stored',
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_indexed AS index_indexed',
'tx_dlf_metadata.is_sortable AS is_sortable',
'tx_dlf_metadata.is_facet AS is_facet',
'tx_dlf_metadata.is_listed AS is_listed',
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_autocomplete AS index_autocomplete',
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_boost AS index_boost'
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($pid)),
while ($indexing = $result->fetch()) {
if ($indexing['index_tokenized']) {
self::$fields['tokenized'][] = $indexing['index_name'];
if (
|| $indexing['is_listed']
) {
self::$fields['stored'][] = $indexing['index_name'];
if (
|| $indexing['index_autocomplete']
) {
self::$fields['indexed'][] = $indexing['index_name'];
if ($indexing['is_sortable']) {
self::$fields['sortables'][] = $indexing['index_name'];
if ($indexing['is_facet']) {
self::$fields['facets'][] = $indexing['index_name'];
if ($indexing['index_autocomplete']) {
self::$fields['autocomplete'][] = $indexing['index_name'];
if ($indexing['index_boost'] > 0.0) {
self::$fields['fieldboost'][$indexing['index_name']] = floatval($indexing['index_boost']);
} else {
self::$fields['fieldboost'][$indexing['index_name']] = false;
self::$fieldsLoaded = true;
* Processes a logical unit (and its children) for the Solr index
* @access protected
* @param \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document &$doc: The METS document
* @param array $logicalUnit: Array of the logical unit to process
* @return int 0 on success or 1 on failure
protected static function processLogical(Document &$doc, array $logicalUnit)
$errors = 0;
// Get metadata for logical unit.
$metadata = $doc->metadataArray[$logicalUnit['id']];
if (!empty($metadata)) {
// Remove appended "valueURI" from authors' names for indexing.
if (is_array($metadata['author'])) {
foreach ($metadata['author'] as $i => $author) {
$splitName = explode(chr(31), $author);
$metadata['author'][$i] = $splitName[0];
// Create new Solr document.
$updateQuery = self::$solr->service->createUpdate();
$solrDoc = $updateQuery->createDocument();
// Create unique identifier from document's UID and unit's XML ID.
$solrDoc->setField('id', $doc->uid . $logicalUnit['id']);
$solrDoc->setField('uid', $doc->uid);
$solrDoc->setField('pid', $doc->pid);
if (MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($logicalUnit['points'])) {
$solrDoc->setField('page', $logicalUnit['points']);
if ($logicalUnit['id'] == $doc->toplevelId) {
$solrDoc->setField('thumbnail', $doc->thumbnail);
} elseif (!empty($logicalUnit['thumbnailId'])) {
$solrDoc->setField('thumbnail', $doc->getFileLocation($logicalUnit['thumbnailId']));
$solrDoc->setField('partof', $doc->parentId);
$solrDoc->setField('root', $doc->rootId);
$solrDoc->setField('sid', $logicalUnit['id']);
// There can be only one toplevel unit per UID, independently of backend configuration
$solrDoc->setField('toplevel', $logicalUnit['id'] == $doc->toplevelId ? true : false);
$solrDoc->setField('type', $logicalUnit['type'], self::$fields['fieldboost']['type']);
$solrDoc->setField('title', $metadata['title'][0], self::$fields['fieldboost']['title']);
$solrDoc->setField('volume', $metadata['volume'][0], self::$fields['fieldboost']['volume']);
$solrDoc->setField('record_id', $metadata['record_id'][0]);
$solrDoc->setField('purl', $metadata['purl'][0]);
$solrDoc->setField('location', $doc->location);
$solrDoc->setField('urn', $metadata['urn']);
$solrDoc->setField('license', $metadata['license']);
$solrDoc->setField('terms', $metadata['terms']);
$solrDoc->setField('restrictions', $metadata['restrictions']);
$solrDoc->setField('collection', $doc->metadataArray[$doc->toplevelId]['collection']);
$coordinates = json_decode($metadata['coordinates'][0]);
if (is_object($coordinates)) {
$solrDoc->setField('geom', json_encode($coordinates->features[0]));
$autocomplete = [];
foreach ($metadata as $index_name => $data) {
if (
&& substr($index_name, -8) !== '_sorting'
) {
$solrDoc->setField(self::getIndexFieldName($index_name, $doc->pid), $data, self::$fields['fieldboost'][$index_name]);
if (in_array($index_name, self::$fields['sortables'])) {
// Add sortable fields to index.
$solrDoc->setField($index_name . '_sorting', $metadata[$index_name . '_sorting'][0]);
if (in_array($index_name, self::$fields['facets'])) {
// Add facets to index.
$solrDoc->setField($index_name . '_faceting', $data);
if (in_array($index_name, self::$fields['autocomplete'])) {
$autocomplete = array_merge($autocomplete, $data);
// Add autocomplete values to index.
if (!empty($autocomplete)) {
$solrDoc->setField('autocomplete', $autocomplete);
// Add collection information to logical sub-elements if applicable.
if (
in_array('collection', self::$fields['facets'])
&& empty($metadata['collection'])
&& !empty($doc->metadataArray[$doc->toplevelId]['collection'])
) {
$solrDoc->setField('collection_faceting', $doc->metadataArray[$doc->toplevelId]['collection']);
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Helper::getMessage('flash.solrException', true) . '<br />' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()),
Helper::getMessage('flash.error', true),
return 1;
// Check for child elements...
if (!empty($logicalUnit['children'])) {
foreach ($logicalUnit['children'] as $child) {
if (!$errors) {
// ...and process them, too.
$errors = self::processLogical($doc, $child);
} else {
return $errors;
* Processes a physical unit for the Solr index
* @access protected
* @param \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document &$doc: The METS document
* @param int $page: The page number
* @param array $physicalUnit: Array of the physical unit to process
* @return int 0 on success or 1 on failure
protected static function processPhysical(Document &$doc, $page, array $physicalUnit)
if (
&& $fulltext = $doc->getRawText($physicalUnit['id'])
) {
// Read extension configuration.
$extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][self::$extKey]);
// Create new Solr document.
$updateQuery = self::$solr->service->createUpdate();
$solrDoc = $updateQuery->createDocument();
// Create unique identifier from document's UID and unit's XML ID.
$solrDoc->setField('id', $doc->uid . $physicalUnit['id']);
$solrDoc->setField('uid', $doc->uid);
$solrDoc->setField('pid', $doc->pid);
$solrDoc->setField('page', $page);
$fileGrpsThumb = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpThumbs']);
while ($fileGrpThumb = array_shift($fileGrpsThumb)) {
if (!empty($physicalUnit['files'][$fileGrpThumb])) {
$solrDoc->setField('thumbnail', $doc->getFileLocation($physicalUnit['files'][$fileGrpThumb]));
$solrDoc->setField('partof', $doc->parentId);
$solrDoc->setField('root', $doc->rootId);
$solrDoc->setField('sid', $physicalUnit['id']);
$solrDoc->setField('toplevel', false);
$solrDoc->setField('type', $physicalUnit['type'], self::$fields['fieldboost']['type']);
$solrDoc->setField('collection', $doc->metadataArray[$doc->toplevelId]['collection']);
$solrDoc->setField('fulltext', htmlspecialchars($fulltext));
// Add faceting information to physical sub-elements if applicable.
foreach ($doc->metadataArray[$doc->toplevelId] as $index_name => $data) {
if (
&& substr($index_name, -8) !== '_sorting'
) {
if (in_array($index_name, self::$fields['facets'])) {
// Remove appended "valueURI" from authors' names for indexing.
if ($index_name == 'author') {
foreach ($data as $i => $author) {
$splitName = explode(chr(31), $author);
$data[$i] = $splitName[0];
// Add facets to index.
$solrDoc->setField($index_name . '_faceting', $data);
// Add collection information to physical sub-elements if applicable.
if (
in_array('collection', self::$fields['facets'])
&& !empty($doc->metadataArray[$doc->toplevelId]['collection'])
) {
$solrDoc->setField('collection_faceting', $doc->metadataArray[$doc->toplevelId]['collection']);
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Helper::getMessage('flash.solrException', true) . '<br />' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()),
Helper::getMessage('flash.error', true),
return 1;
return 0;
* Connects to Solr server.
* @access protected
* @param int $core: UID of the Solr core
* @param int $pid: UID of the configuration page
* @return bool true on success or false on failure
protected static function solrConnect($core, $pid = 0)
// Get Solr instance.
if (!self::$solr) {
// Connect to Solr server.
$solr = Solr::getInstance($core);
if ($solr->ready) {
self::$solr = $solr;
// Load indexing configuration if needed.
if ($pid) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Prevent instantiation by hiding the constructor
* @access private
private function __construct()
// This is a static class, thus no instances should be created.