
1160 řádky
48 KiB

* (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e.V. <>
* This file is part of the Kitodo and TYPO3 projects.
* @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Kitodo\Dlf\Common;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Restriction\HiddenRestriction;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use Ubl\Iiif\Tools\IiifHelper;
use Ubl\Iiif\Services\AbstractImageService;
* MetsDocument class for the 'dlf' extension.
* @author Sebastian Meyer <>
* @author Henrik Lochmann <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage dlf
* @access public
* @property-write int $cPid This holds the PID for the configuration
* @property-read array $dmdSec This holds the XML file's dmdSec parts with their IDs as array key
* @property-read array $fileGrps This holds the file ID -> USE concordance
* @property-read bool $hasFulltext Are there any fulltext files available?
* @property-read string $location This holds the documents location
* @property-read array $metadataArray This holds the documents' parsed metadata array
* @property-read \SimpleXMLElement $mets This holds the XML file's METS part as \SimpleXMLElement object
* @property-read int $numPages The holds the total number of pages
* @property-read int $parentId This holds the UID of the parent document or zero if not multi-volumed
* @property-read array $physicalStructure This holds the physical structure
* @property-read array $physicalStructureInfo This holds the physical structure metadata
* @property-read int $pid This holds the PID of the document or zero if not in database
* @property-read bool $ready Is the document instantiated successfully?
* @property-read string $recordId The METS file's / IIIF manifest's record identifier
* @property-read int $rootId This holds the UID of the root document or zero if not multi-volumed
* @property-read array $smLinks This holds the smLinks between logical and physical structMap
* @property-read array $tableOfContents This holds the logical structure
* @property-read string $thumbnail This holds the document's thumbnail location
* @property-read string $toplevelId This holds the toplevel structure's @ID (METS) or the manifest's @id (IIIF)
* @property-read mixed $uid This holds the UID or the URL of the document
final class MetsDocument extends Document
* This holds the whole XML file as string for serialization purposes
* @see __sleep() / __wakeup()
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $asXML = '';
* This holds the XML file's dmdSec parts with their IDs as array key
* @var array
* @access protected
protected $dmdSec = [];
* Are the METS file's dmdSecs loaded?
* @see $dmdSec
* @var bool
* @access protected
protected $dmdSecLoaded = false;
* The extension key
* @var string
* @access public
public static $extKey = 'dlf';
* This holds the file ID -> USE concordance
* @see _getFileGrps()
* @var array
* @access protected
protected $fileGrps = [];
* Are the image file groups loaded?
* @see $fileGrps
* @var bool
* @access protected
protected $fileGrpsLoaded = false;
* This holds the XML file's METS part as \SimpleXMLElement object
* @var \SimpleXMLElement
* @access protected
protected $mets;
* This holds the whole XML file as \SimpleXMLElement object
* @var \SimpleXMLElement
* @access protected
protected $xml;
* This adds metadata from METS structural map to metadata array.
* @access public
* @param array &$metadata: The metadata array to extend
* @param string $id: The @ID attribute of the logical structure node
* @return void
public function addMetadataFromMets(&$metadata, $id)
$details = $this->getLogicalStructure($id);
if (!empty($details)) {
$metadata['mets_order'][0] = $details['order'];
$metadata['mets_label'][0] = $details['label'];
$metadata['mets_orderlabel'][0] = $details['orderlabel'];
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::establishRecordId()
protected function establishRecordId($pid)
// Check for METS object @ID.
if (!empty($this->mets['OBJID'])) {
$this->recordId = (string) $this->mets['OBJID'];
// Get hook objects.
$hookObjects = Helper::getHookObjects('Classes/Common/MetsDocument.php');
// Apply hooks.
foreach ($hookObjects as $hookObj) {
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'construct_postProcessRecordId')) {
$hookObj->construct_postProcessRecordId($this->xml, $this->recordId);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::getDownloadLocation()
public function getDownloadLocation($id)
$fileMimeType = $this->getFileMimeType($id);
$fileLocation = $this->getFileLocation($id);
if ($fileMimeType === 'application/vnd.kitodo.iiif') {
$fileLocation = (strrpos($fileLocation, 'info.json') === strlen($fileLocation) - 9) ? $fileLocation : (strrpos($fileLocation, '/') === strlen($fileLocation) ? $fileLocation . 'info.json' : $fileLocation . '/info.json');
$conf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][self::$extKey]);
$service = IiifHelper::loadIiifResource($fileLocation);
if ($service !== null && $service instanceof AbstractImageService) {
return $service->getImageUrl();
} elseif ($fileMimeType === 'application/vnd.netfpx') {
$baseURL = $fileLocation . (strpos($fileLocation, '?') === false ? '?' : '');
// TODO CVT is an optional IIP server capability; in theory, capabilities should be determined in the object request with '&obj=IIP-server'
return $baseURL . '&CVT=jpeg';
return $fileLocation;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::getFileLocation()
public function getFileLocation($id)
$location = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp/mets:file[@ID="' . $id . '"]/mets:FLocat[@LOCTYPE="URL"]');
if (
&& !empty($location)
) {
return (string) $location[0]->attributes('')->href;
} else {
Helper::devLog('There is no file node with @ID "' . $id . '"', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
return '';
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::getFileMimeType()
public function getFileMimeType($id)
$mimetype = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp/mets:file[@ID="' . $id . '"]/@MIMETYPE');
if (
&& !empty($mimetype)
) {
return (string) $mimetype[0];
} else {
Helper::devLog('There is no file node with @ID "' . $id . '" or no MIME type specified', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
return '';
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::getLogicalStructure()
public function getLogicalStructure($id, $recursive = false)
$details = [];
// Is the requested logical unit already loaded?
if (
&& !empty($this->logicalUnits[$id])
) {
// Yes. Return it.
return $this->logicalUnits[$id];
} elseif (!empty($id)) {
// Get specified logical unit.
$divs = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@ID="' . $id . '"]');
} else {
// Get all logical units at top level.
$divs = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]/mets:div');
if (!empty($divs)) {
if (!$recursive) {
// Get the details for the first xpath hit.
$details = $this->getLogicalStructureInfo($divs[0]);
} else {
// Walk the logical structure recursively and fill the whole table of contents.
foreach ($divs as $div) {
$this->tableOfContents[] = $this->getLogicalStructureInfo($div, $recursive);
return $details;
* This gets details about a logical structure element
* @access protected
* @param \SimpleXMLElement $structure: The logical structure node
* @param bool $recursive: Whether to include the child elements
* @return array Array of the element's id, label, type and physical page indexes/mptr link
protected function getLogicalStructureInfo(\SimpleXMLElement $structure, $recursive = false)
// Get attributes.
foreach ($structure->attributes() as $attribute => $value) {
$attributes[$attribute] = (string) $value;
// Load plugin configuration.
$extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][self::$extKey]);
// Extract identity information.
$details = [];
$details['id'] = $attributes['ID'];
$details['dmdId'] = (isset($attributes['DMDID']) ? $attributes['DMDID'] : '');
$details['order'] = (isset($attributes['ORDER']) ? $attributes['ORDER'] : '');
$details['label'] = (isset($attributes['LABEL']) ? $attributes['LABEL'] : '');
$details['orderlabel'] = (isset($attributes['ORDERLABEL']) ? $attributes['ORDERLABEL'] : '');
$details['contentIds'] = (isset($attributes['CONTENTIDS']) ? $attributes['CONTENTIDS'] : '');
$details['volume'] = '';
// Set volume information only if no label is set and this is the toplevel structure element.
if (
&& $details['id'] == $this->_getToplevelId()
) {
$metadata = $this->getMetadata($details['id']);
if (!empty($metadata['volume'][0])) {
$details['volume'] = $metadata['volume'][0];
$details['pagination'] = '';
$details['type'] = $attributes['TYPE'];
$details['thumbnailId'] = '';
// Load smLinks.
// Load physical structure.
// Get the physical page or external file this structure element is pointing at.
$details['points'] = '';
// Is there a mptr node?
if (count($structure->children('')->mptr)) {
// Yes. Get the file reference.
$details['points'] = (string) $structure->children('')->mptr[0]->attributes('')->href;
} elseif (
&& array_key_exists($details['id'], $this->smLinks['l2p'])
) {
// Link logical structure to the first corresponding physical page/track.
$details['points'] = max(intval(array_search($this->smLinks['l2p'][$details['id']][0], $this->physicalStructure, true)), 1);
$fileGrpsThumb = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpThumbs']);
while ($fileGrpThumb = array_shift($fileGrpsThumb)) {
if (!empty($this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->smLinks['l2p'][$details['id']][0]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb])) {
$details['thumbnailId'] = $this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->smLinks['l2p'][$details['id']][0]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb];
// Get page/track number of the first page/track related to this structure element.
$details['pagination'] = $this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->smLinks['l2p'][$details['id']][0]]['orderlabel'];
} elseif ($details['id'] == $this->_getToplevelId()) {
// Point to self if this is the toplevel structure.
$details['points'] = 1;
$fileGrpsThumb = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpThumbs']);
while ($fileGrpThumb = array_shift($fileGrpsThumb)) {
if (
&& !empty($this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->physicalStructure[1]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb])
) {
$details['thumbnailId'] = $this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->physicalStructure[1]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb];
// Get the files this structure element is pointing at.
$details['files'] = [];
$fileUse = $this->_getFileGrps();
// Get the file representations from fileSec node.
foreach ($structure->children('')->fptr as $fptr) {
// Check if file has valid @USE attribute.
if (!empty($fileUse[(string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID])) {
$details['files'][$fileUse[(string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID]] = (string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID;
// Keep for later usage.
$this->logicalUnits[$details['id']] = $details;
// Walk the structure recursively? And are there any children of the current element?
if (
&& count($structure->children('')->div)
) {
$details['children'] = [];
foreach ($structure->children('')->div as $child) {
// Repeat for all children.
$details['children'][] = $this->getLogicalStructureInfo($child, true);
return $details;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::getMetadata()
public function getMetadata($id, $cPid = 0)
// Make sure $cPid is a non-negative integer.
$cPid = max(intval($cPid), 0);
// If $cPid is not given, try to get it elsewhere.
if (
&& ($this->cPid || $this->pid)
) {
// Retain current PID.
$cPid = ($this->cPid ? $this->cPid : $this->pid);
} elseif (!$cPid) {
Helper::devLog('Invalid PID ' . $cPid . ' for metadata definitions', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
return [];
// Get metadata from parsed metadata array if available.
if (
&& $this->metadataArray[0] == $cPid
) {
return $this->metadataArray[$id];
// Initialize metadata array with empty values.
$metadata = [
'title' => [],
'title_sorting' => [],
'author' => [],
'place' => [],
'year' => [],
'prod_id' => [],
'record_id' => [],
'opac_id' => [],
'union_id' => [],
'urn' => [],
'purl' => [],
'type' => [],
'volume' => [],
'volume_sorting' => [],
'license' => [],
'terms' => [],
'restrictions' => [],
'out_of_print' => [],
'rights_info' => [],
'collection' => [],
'owner' => [],
'mets_label' => [],
'mets_orderlabel' => [],
'document_format' => ['METS'],
// Get the logical structure node's @DMDID.
if (!empty($this->logicalUnits[$id])) {
$dmdIds = $this->logicalUnits[$id]['dmdId'];
} else {
$dmdIds = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@ID="' . $id . '"]/@DMDID');
$dmdIds = (string) $dmdIds[0];
if (!empty($dmdIds)) {
// Handle multiple DMDIDs separately.
$dmdIds = explode(' ', $dmdIds);
$hasSupportedMetadata = false;
} else {
// There is no dmdSec for this structure node.
return [];
// Load available metadata formats and dmdSecs.
foreach ($dmdIds as $dmdId) {
// Is this metadata format supported?
if (!empty($this->formats[$this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['type']])) {
if (!empty($this->formats[$this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['type']]['class'])) {
$class = $this->formats[$this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['type']]['class'];
// Get the metadata from class.
if (
&& ($obj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance($class)) instanceof MetadataInterface
) {
$obj->extractMetadata($this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['xml'], $metadata);
} else {
Helper::devLog('Invalid class/method "' . $class . '->extractMetadata()" for metadata format "' . $this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['type'] . '"', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
} else {
Helper::devLog('Unsupported metadata format "' . $this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['type'] . '" in dmdSec with @ID "' . $dmdId . '"', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_NOTICE);
// Continue searching for supported metadata with next @DMDID.
// Get the structure's type.
if (!empty($this->logicalUnits[$id])) {
$metadata['type'] = [$this->logicalUnits[$id]['type']];
} else {
$struct = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@ID="' . $id . '"]/@TYPE');
if (!empty($struct)) {
$metadata['type'] = [(string) $struct[0]];
// Get the additional metadata from database.
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
// Get hidden records, too.
// Get all metadata with configured xpath and applicable format first.
$resultWithFormat = $queryBuilder
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_name AS index_name',
'tx_dlf_metadataformat_joins.xpath AS xpath',
'tx_dlf_metadataformat_joins.xpath_sorting AS xpath_sorting',
'tx_dlf_metadata.is_sortable AS is_sortable',
'tx_dlf_metadata.default_value AS default_value',
'tx_dlf_metadata.format AS format'
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($cPid)),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_metadata.l18n_parent', 0),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($cPid)),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_formats_joins.type', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['type']))
// Get all metadata without a format, but with a default value next.
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
// Get hidden records, too.
$resultWithoutFormat = $queryBuilder
'tx_dlf_metadata.index_name AS index_name',
'tx_dlf_metadata.is_sortable AS is_sortable',
'tx_dlf_metadata.default_value AS default_value',
'tx_dlf_metadata.format AS format'
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($cPid)),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_metadata.l18n_parent', 0),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_metadata.format', 0),
$queryBuilder->expr()->neq('tx_dlf_metadata.default_value', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter(''))
// Merge both result sets.
$allResults = array_merge($resultWithFormat->fetchAll(), $resultWithoutFormat->fetchAll());
// We need a \DOMDocument here, because SimpleXML doesn't support XPath functions properly.
$domNode = dom_import_simplexml($this->dmdSec[$dmdId]['xml']);
$domXPath = new \DOMXPath($domNode->ownerDocument);
// OK, now make the XPath queries.
foreach ($allResults as $resArray) {
// Set metadata field's value(s).
if (
$resArray['format'] > 0
&& !empty($resArray['xpath'])
&& ($values = $domXPath->evaluate($resArray['xpath'], $domNode))
) {
if (
$values instanceof \DOMNodeList
&& $values->length > 0
) {
$metadata[$resArray['index_name']] = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$metadata[$resArray['index_name']][] = trim((string) $value->nodeValue);
} elseif (!($values instanceof \DOMNodeList)) {
$metadata[$resArray['index_name']] = [trim((string) $values)];
// Set default value if applicable.
if (
&& strlen($resArray['default_value']) > 0
) {
$metadata[$resArray['index_name']] = [$resArray['default_value']];
// Set sorting value if applicable.
if (
&& $resArray['is_sortable']
) {
if (
$resArray['format'] > 0
&& !empty($resArray['xpath_sorting'])
&& ($values = $domXPath->evaluate($resArray['xpath_sorting'], $domNode))
) {
if (
$values instanceof \DOMNodeList
&& $values->length > 0
) {
$metadata[$resArray['index_name'] . '_sorting'][0] = trim((string) $values->item(0)->nodeValue);
} elseif (!($values instanceof \DOMNodeList)) {
$metadata[$resArray['index_name'] . '_sorting'][0] = trim((string) $values);
if (empty($metadata[$resArray['index_name'] . '_sorting'][0])) {
$metadata[$resArray['index_name'] . '_sorting'][0] = $metadata[$resArray['index_name']][0];
// Set title to empty string if not present.
if (empty($metadata['title'][0])) {
$metadata['title'][0] = '';
$metadata['title_sorting'][0] = '';
// Add collections from database to toplevel element if document is already saved.
if (
&& $id == $this->_getToplevelId()
) {
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
$result = $queryBuilder
'tx_dlf_collections_join.index_name AS index_name'
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($cPid)),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_documents.uid', intval($this->uid))
->orderBy('tx_dlf_collections_join.index_name', 'ASC')
$allResults = $result->fetchAll();
foreach ($allResults as $resArray) {
if (!in_array($resArray['index_name'], $metadata['collection'])) {
$metadata['collection'][] = $resArray['index_name'];
// Extract metadata only from first supported dmdSec.
$hasSupportedMetadata = true;
if ($hasSupportedMetadata) {
return $metadata;
} else {
Helper::devLog('No supported metadata found for logical structure with @ID "' . $id . '"', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
return [];
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::getRawText()
public function getRawText($id)
$rawText = '';
// Get text from raw text array if available.
if (!empty($this->rawTextArray[$id])) {
return $this->rawTextArray[$id];
// Load fileGrps and check for fulltext files.
if ($this->hasFulltext) {
$rawText = $this->getRawTextFromXml($id);
return $rawText;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Document::getStructureDepth()
public function getStructureDepth($logId)
$ancestors = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@ID="' . $logId . '"]/ancestor::*');
if (!empty($ancestors)) {
return count($ancestors);
} else {
return 0;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::init()
protected function init()
// Get METS node from XML file.
$mets = $this->xml->xpath('//mets:mets');
if (!empty($mets)) {
$this->mets = $mets[0];
// Register namespaces.
} else {
Helper::devLog('No METS part found in document with UID ' . $this->uid, DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::loadLocation()
protected function loadLocation($location)
$fileResource = GeneralUtility::getUrl($location);
if ($fileResource !== false) {
// Turn off libxml's error logging.
$libxmlErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
// Disables the functionality to allow external entities to be loaded when parsing the XML, must be kept
$previousValueOfEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
// Load XML from file.
$xml = simplexml_load_string($fileResource);
// reset entity loader setting
// Reset libxml's error logging.
// Set some basic properties.
if ($xml !== false) {
$this->xml = $xml;
return true;
Helper::devLog('Could not load XML file from "' . $location . '"', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::ensureHasFulltextIsSet()
protected function ensureHasFulltextIsSet()
// Are the fileGrps already loaded?
if (!$this->fileGrpsLoaded) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Document::getParentDocumentUid()
protected function getParentDocumentUidForSaving($pid, $core)
$partof = 0;
// Get the closest ancestor of the current document which has a MPTR child.
$parentMptr = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@ID="' . $this->_getToplevelId() . '"]/ancestor::mets:div[./mets:mptr][1]/mets:mptr');
if (!empty($parentMptr)) {
$parentLocation = (string) $parentMptr[0]->attributes('')->href;
if ($parentLocation != $this->location) {
$parentDoc = self::getInstance($parentLocation, $pid);
if ($parentDoc->ready) {
if ($parentDoc->pid != $pid) {
$parentDoc->save($pid, $core);
$partof = $parentDoc->uid;
return $partof;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Document::setPreloadedDocument()
protected function setPreloadedDocument($preloadedDocument)
if ($preloadedDocument instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) {
$this->xml = $preloadedDocument;
return true;
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Document::getDocument()
protected function getDocument()
return $this->mets;
* This returns $this->cPid via __get()
* @access protected
* @return int The PID of the metadata definitions
protected function _getCPid()
return $this->cPid;
* This builds an array of the document's dmdSecs
* @access protected
* @return array Array of dmdSecs with their IDs as array key
protected function _getDmdSec()
if (!$this->dmdSecLoaded) {
// Get available data formats.
// Get dmdSec nodes from METS.
$dmdIds = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:dmdSec/@ID');
if (!empty($dmdIds)) {
foreach ($dmdIds as $dmdId) {
if ($type = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:dmdSec[@ID="' . (string) $dmdId . '"]/mets:mdWrap[not(@MDTYPE="OTHER")]/@MDTYPE')) {
if (!empty($this->formats[(string) $type[0]])) {
$type = (string) $type[0];
$xml = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:dmdSec[@ID="' . (string) $dmdId . '"]/mets:mdWrap[@MDTYPE="' . $type . '"]/mets:xmlData/' . strtolower($type) . ':' . $this->formats[$type]['rootElement']);
} elseif ($type = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:dmdSec[@ID="' . (string) $dmdId . '"]/mets:mdWrap[@MDTYPE="OTHER"]/@OTHERMDTYPE')) {
if (!empty($this->formats[(string) $type[0]])) {
$type = (string) $type[0];
$xml = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:dmdSec[@ID="' . (string) $dmdId . '"]/mets:mdWrap[@MDTYPE="OTHER"][@OTHERMDTYPE="' . $type . '"]/mets:xmlData/' . strtolower($type) . ':' . $this->formats[$type]['rootElement']);
if (!empty($xml)) {
$this->dmdSec[(string) $dmdId]['type'] = $type;
$this->dmdSec[(string) $dmdId]['xml'] = $xml[0];
$this->registerNamespaces($this->dmdSec[(string) $dmdId]['xml']);
$this->dmdSecLoaded = true;
return $this->dmdSec;
* This builds the file ID -> USE concordance
* @access protected
* @return array Array of file use groups with file IDs
protected function _getFileGrps()
if (!$this->fileGrpsLoaded) {
// Get configured USE attributes.
$extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][self::$extKey]);
$useGrps = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpImages']);
if (!empty($extConf['fileGrpThumbs'])) {
$useGrps = array_merge($useGrps, GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpThumbs']));
if (!empty($extConf['fileGrpDownload'])) {
$useGrps = array_merge($useGrps, GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpDownload']));
if (!empty($extConf['fileGrpFulltext'])) {
$useGrps = array_merge($useGrps, GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpFulltext']));
if (!empty($extConf['fileGrpAudio'])) {
$useGrps = array_merge($useGrps, GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpAudio']));
// Get all file groups.
$fileGrps = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp');
if (!empty($fileGrps)) {
// Build concordance for configured USE attributes.
foreach ($fileGrps as $fileGrp) {
if (in_array((string) $fileGrp['USE'], $useGrps)) {
foreach ($fileGrp->children('')->file as $file) {
$this->fileGrps[(string) $file->attributes()->ID] = (string) $fileGrp['USE'];
// Are there any fulltext files available?
if (
&& array_intersect(GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpFulltext']), $this->fileGrps) !== []
) {
$this->hasFulltext = true;
$this->fileGrpsLoaded = true;
return $this->fileGrps;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::prepareMetadataArray()
protected function prepareMetadataArray($cPid)
$ids = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@DMDID]/@ID');
// Get all logical structure nodes with metadata.
if (!empty($ids)) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$this->metadataArray[(string) $id] = $this->getMetadata((string) $id, $cPid);
// Set current PID for metadata definitions.
* This returns $this->mets via __get()
* @access protected
* @return \SimpleXMLElement The XML's METS part as \SimpleXMLElement object
protected function _getMets()
return $this->mets;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::_getPhysicalStructure()
protected function _getPhysicalStructure()
// Is there no physical structure array yet?
if (!$this->physicalStructureLoaded) {
// Does the document have a structMap node of type "PHYSICAL"?
$elementNodes = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="PHYSICAL"]/mets:div[@TYPE="physSequence"]/mets:div');
if (!empty($elementNodes)) {
// Get file groups.
$fileUse = $this->_getFileGrps();
// Get the physical sequence's metadata.
$physNode = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="PHYSICAL"]/mets:div[@TYPE="physSequence"]');
$physSeq[0] = (string) $physNode[0]['ID'];
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['id'] = (string) $physNode[0]['ID'];
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['dmdId'] = (isset($physNode[0]['DMDID']) ? (string) $physNode[0]['DMDID'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['order'] = (isset($physNode[0]['ORDER']) ? (string) $physNode[0]['ORDER'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['label'] = (isset($physNode[0]['LABEL']) ? (string) $physNode[0]['LABEL'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['orderlabel'] = (isset($physNode[0]['ORDERLABEL']) ? (string) $physNode[0]['ORDERLABEL'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['type'] = (string) $physNode[0]['TYPE'];
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['contentIds'] = (isset($physNode[0]['CONTENTIDS']) ? (string) $physNode[0]['CONTENTIDS'] : '');
// Get the file representations from fileSec node.
foreach ($physNode[0]->children('')->fptr as $fptr) {
// Check if file has valid @USE attribute.
if (!empty($fileUse[(string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID])) {
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$physSeq[0]]['files'][$fileUse[(string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID]] = (string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID;
// Build the physical elements' array from the physical structMap node.
foreach ($elementNodes as $elementNode) {
$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']] = (string) $elementNode['ID'];
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['id'] = (string) $elementNode['ID'];
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['dmdId'] = (isset($elementNode['DMDID']) ? (string) $elementNode['DMDID'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['order'] = (isset($elementNode['ORDER']) ? (string) $elementNode['ORDER'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['label'] = (isset($elementNode['LABEL']) ? (string) $elementNode['LABEL'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['orderlabel'] = (isset($elementNode['ORDERLABEL']) ? (string) $elementNode['ORDERLABEL'] : '');
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['type'] = (string) $elementNode['TYPE'];
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['contentIds'] = (isset($elementNode['CONTENTIDS']) ? (string) $elementNode['CONTENTIDS'] : '');
// Get the file representations from fileSec node.
foreach ($elementNode->children('')->fptr as $fptr) {
// Check if file has valid @USE attribute.
if (!empty($fileUse[(string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID])) {
$this->physicalStructureInfo[$elements[(int) $elementNode['ORDER']]]['files'][$fileUse[(string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID]] = (string) $fptr->attributes()->FILEID;
// Sort array by keys (= @ORDER).
if (ksort($elements)) {
// Set total number of pages/tracks.
$this->numPages = count($elements);
// Merge and re-index the array to get nice numeric indexes.
$this->physicalStructure = array_merge($physSeq, $elements);
$this->physicalStructureLoaded = true;
return $this->physicalStructure;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::_getSmLinks()
protected function _getSmLinks()
if (!$this->smLinksLoaded) {
$smLinks = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structLink/mets:smLink');
if (!empty($smLinks)) {
foreach ($smLinks as $smLink) {
$this->smLinks['l2p'][(string) $smLink->attributes('')->from][] = (string) $smLink->attributes('')->to;
$this->smLinks['p2l'][(string) $smLink->attributes('')->to][] = (string) $smLink->attributes('')->from;
$this->smLinksLoaded = true;
return $this->smLinks;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::_getThumbnail()
protected function _getThumbnail($forceReload = false)
if (
|| $forceReload
) {
// Retain current PID.
$cPid = ($this->cPid ? $this->cPid : $this->pid);
if (!$cPid) {
Helper::devLog('Invalid PID ' . $cPid . ' for structure definitions', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
$this->thumbnailLoaded = true;
return $this->thumbnail;
// Load extension configuration.
$extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][self::$extKey]);
if (empty($extConf['fileGrpThumbs'])) {
Helper::devLog('No fileGrp for thumbnails specified', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
$this->thumbnailLoaded = true;
return $this->thumbnail;
$strctId = $this->_getToplevelId();
$metadata = $this->getTitledata($cPid);
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
// Get structure element to get thumbnail from.
$result = $queryBuilder
->select('tx_dlf_structures.thumbnail AS thumbnail')
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('', intval($cPid)),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('tx_dlf_structures.index_name', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal($metadata['type'][0])),
$allResults = $result->fetchAll();
if (count($allResults) == 1) {
$resArray = $allResults[0];
// Get desired thumbnail structure if not the toplevel structure itself.
if (!empty($resArray['thumbnail'])) {
$strctType = Helper::getIndexNameFromUid($resArray['thumbnail'], 'tx_dlf_structures', $cPid);
// Check if this document has a structure element of the desired type.
$strctIds = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@TYPE="' . $strctType . '"]/@ID');
if (!empty($strctIds)) {
$strctId = (string) $strctIds[0];
// Load smLinks.
// Get thumbnail location.
$fileGrpsThumb = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $extConf['fileGrpThumbs']);
while ($fileGrpThumb = array_shift($fileGrpsThumb)) {
if (
&& !empty($this->smLinks['l2p'][$strctId])
&& !empty($this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->smLinks['l2p'][$strctId][0]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb])
) {
$this->thumbnail = $this->getFileLocation($this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->smLinks['l2p'][$strctId][0]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb]);
} elseif (!empty($this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->physicalStructure[1]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb])) {
$this->thumbnail = $this->getFileLocation($this->physicalStructureInfo[$this->physicalStructure[1]]['files'][$fileGrpThumb]);
} else {
Helper::devLog('No structure of type "' . $metadata['type'][0] . '" found in database', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);
$this->thumbnailLoaded = true;
return $this->thumbnail;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Document::_getToplevelId()
protected function _getToplevelId()
if (empty($this->toplevelId)) {
// Get all logical structure nodes with metadata, but without associated METS-Pointers.
$divs = $this->mets->xpath('./mets:structMap[@TYPE="LOGICAL"]//mets:div[@DMDID and not(./mets:mptr)]');
if (!empty($divs)) {
// Load smLinks.
foreach ($divs as $div) {
$id = (string) $div['ID'];
// Are there physical structure nodes for this logical structure?
if (array_key_exists($id, $this->smLinks['l2p'])) {
// Yes. That's what we're looking for.
$this->toplevelId = $id;
} elseif (empty($this->toplevelId)) {
// No. Remember this anyway, but keep looking for a better one.
$this->toplevelId = $id;
return $this->toplevelId;
* This magic method is executed prior to any serialization of the object
* @see __wakeup()
* @access public
* @return array Properties to be serialized
public function __sleep()
// \SimpleXMLElement objects can't be serialized, thus save the XML as string for serialization
$this->asXML = $this->xml->asXML();
return ['uid', 'pid', 'recordId', 'parentId', 'asXML'];
* This magic method is used for setting a string value for the object
* @access public
* @return string String representing the METS object
public function __toString()
$xml = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$xml->appendChild($xml->importNode(dom_import_simplexml($this->mets), true));
$xml->formatOutput = true;
return $xml->saveXML();
* This magic method is executed after the object is deserialized
* @see __sleep()
* @access public
* @return void
public function __wakeup()
// Turn off libxml's error logging.
$libxmlErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
// Reload XML from string.
$xml = @simplexml_load_string($this->asXML);
// Reset libxml's error logging.
if ($xml !== false) {
$this->asXML = '';
$this->xml = $xml;
// Rebuild the unserializable properties.
} else {
Helper::devLog('Could not load XML after deserialization', DEVLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR);