Update Documentation/Introduction/Index.rst

Co-authored-by: Beatrycze Volk <beatrycze.volk@slub-dresden.de>
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Alexander Bigga 2021-03-29 14:55:49 +02:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
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commit 3e5c6d7c5c
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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Kitodo.Presentation provides a comprehensive toolset covering all basic
requirements for presenting digitized media: books, archivalia, digital
depositary copies, manuscripts and letters, prints, newspapers and magazines.
Download of current version is `avaiable on GitHub <https://github.com/kitodo/kitodo-presentation>`_.
Download of current version is `available on GitHub <https://github.com/kitodo/kitodo-presentation>`_.
Libraries using Kitodo.Presentation