Remove extra map initialization from image-manipulation tool

This commit is contained in:
Jacob Mendt 2016-04-13 15:54:53 +02:00
parent c11f08193f
commit 3164a54882
2 changed files with 10 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -121,10 +121,7 @@ dlfViewer.prototype.addCustomControls = function() {
// should be called if cors is enabled
imageManipulationControl = new dlfViewerImageManipulationControl({
target: $('.tx-dlf-tools-imagetools')[0],
layers: dlfUtils.createLayers(images),
mapContainer: this.div,
view: dlfUtils.createView(images)
// bind behavior of both together

View File

@ -23,17 +23,11 @@
* @constructor
* @param {Object=} opt_options Control options.
* @param {Object=} options Control options.
* {Array.<ol.layer.Layer>} layers
* {Element} target
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl = function(opt_options) {
var options = opt_options || {};
* @type {Array.<ol.layer.Layer>}
* @private
this.layers = options.layers;
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl = function(options) {
* @type {Object}
@ -45,34 +39,10 @@ dlfViewerImageManipulationControl = function(opt_options) {
'saturation':'Saturation', 'hue':'Hue', 'brightness': 'Brightness', 'contrast':'Contrast', 'reset': 'Reset'};
* @type {Element}
* @private
this.mainMap = $('#' + options.mapContainer)[0];
* @type {ol.Map}
* @private
this.referenceMap = options.referenceMap;
* @type {string}
* @private
this.manipulationMapId = 'tx-dfgviewer-map-manipulate';
* @type {ol.Map|undefined}
* @private
* @type {ol.View}
* @private
this.mapView = options.view;
* @type {Array.<ol.layer.Layer>}
* @private
this.layers = options.layers;
* @type {Element}
@ -112,65 +82,6 @@ dlfViewerImageManipulationControl = function(opt_options) {
* Activates the image manipulation tool
dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.activate = function(){
var map;
// fadout parent map container
// now create new map
.done($.proxy(function() {
if ($('#' + this.manipulationMapId).length == 0) {
// create manipulation map
var imageManipulationMapEl = $('<div id="' + this.manipulationMapId + '" class="tx-dlf-map"></div>');
this.manipulationMap = new ol.Map({
layers: this.layers,
target: this.manipulationMapId,
controls: [],
interactions: [
new ol.interaction.DragPan(),
new ol.interaction.MouseWheelZoom(),
new ol.interaction.KeyboardPan(),
new ol.interaction.KeyboardZoom
// necessary for proper working of the keyboard events
keyboardEventTarget: document,
view: this.mapView,
renderer: 'webgl'
// couple both map objects
var adjustViews = function(sourceView, destMap) {
var rotateDiff = sourceView.getRotation() !== destMap.getView().getRotation();
var resDiff = sourceView.getResolution() !== destMap.getView().getResolution();
var centerDiff = sourceView.getCenter() !== destMap.getView().getCenter();
if (rotateDiff || resDiff || centerDiff)
sourceView.getZoom(), 50);
adjustViewHandler = function(event) {
adjustViews(, this);
// when deactivate / activate adjust both map centers / zoom
$(this).on("activate-imagemanipulation", $.proxy(function(event, map) {
this.referenceMap.getView().on('change:resolution', adjustViewHandler, this.manipulationMap);
adjustViews(this.referenceMap.getView(), this.manipulationMap);
}, this));
$(this).on("deactivate-imagemanipulation", $.proxy(function(event, map) {
this.referenceMap.getView().un('change:resolution', adjustViewHandler, this.manipulationMap);
adjustViews(this.manipulationMap.getView(), this.referenceMap);
}, this));
$('#' + this.manipulationMapId).show();
// trigger open event
$(this).trigger("activate-imagemanipulation", this.manipulationMap);
}, this));
// add activate class to control element
@ -258,15 +169,10 @@ dlfViewerImageManipulationControl.prototype.deactivate = function(){
.attr('title', this.dic['imagemanipulation-on']);
// fadeIn parent map container
$('#' + this.manipulationMapId).hide();
// trigger close event but only if an manipulation map has already been initialize
if (this.manipulationMap !== undefined)
$(this).trigger("deactivate-imagemanipulation", this.manipulationMap);