#!/bin/bash # bash-refine v1.2.1: templates.sh, Felix Lohmeier, 2020-07-31 # https://gist.github.com/felixlohmeier/d76bd27fbc4b8ab6d683822cdf61f81d # license: MIT License https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/ # TODO: example for setting metadata # TODO: example for engine config (facets) # ======================= TEMPLATES FOR YOUR WORKFLOW ======================== # # The following code shows several options for import, transform and export # use the templates to write your own scripts or execute this file for a demo # =============================== ENVIRONMENT ================================ # # make script executable from another directory cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/" || exit 1 # source the main script source bash-refine.sh ### override default config? #endpoint="http://localhost:3333" #memory="1400M" # increase to available RAM #date="$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)" #workdir="output/${date}" #logfile="${workdir}/${date}.log" #csrf=true # set to false for OpenRefine < 3.3 #jq="jq" # path to executable #openrefine="openrefine/refine" # path to executable # check requirements, set trap, create workdir and tee to logfile init # ================================= STARTUP ================================== # checkpoint "Startup"; echo # start OpenRefine server refine_start; echo # ============================= MOCKUP TEST DATA ============================= # mkdir -p input cat << "DATA" > "input/example1.csv" a,b,c 1,2,3 0,0,0 $,\,' DATA cat << "DATA" > "input/example2.tsv" a b c ' \ $ 0 0 0 3 2 1 DATA cat << "DATA" > "input/example-operations-history.json" [ { "op": "core/column-addition", "engineConfig": { "mode": "row-based" }, "newColumnName": "apply-from-file", "columnInsertIndex": 2, "baseColumnName": "b", "expression": "grel:value.replace('2','TEST')", "onError": "set-to-blank" } ] DATA # ================================== IMPORT ================================== # checkpoint "Import"; echo # declare input projects["from heredoc"]="" projects["csv file example"]="input/example1.csv" projects["tsv file example"]="input/example2.tsv" projects["another csv example"]="input/example1.csv" projects["yet another csv example"]="input/example1.csv" # --------------------------- IMPORT FROM HEREDOC ---------------------------- # # quoted heredoc ("DATA") will not be expanded by bash (no escaping needed) # project id will be stored in as ${projects[csv file example]} p="from heredoc" f="" # optional filename, will be stored in OpenRefine project metadata echo "import heredoc..." if curl -fs --write-out "%{redirect_url}\n" \ --form project-file="@-$(if [[ -n $f ]]; then echo ";filename=${f}"; fi)" \ --form project-name="${p}" \ --form format="text/line-based/*sv" \ --form options='{ "encoding": "UTF-8", "separator": " " }' \ "${endpoint}/command/core/create-project-from-upload$(refine_csrf)" \ > "${workdir}/${p}.id" \ << "DATA" a b c 1 2 3 0 0 0 $ \ ' DATA then log "imported heredoc as ${p}" else error "import of ${p} failed!" fi refine_store "${p}" "${workdir}/${p}.id" || error "import of ${p} failed!" echo # ---------------------------- IMPORT FROM FILE ------------------------------ # # project id will be stored in ${projects[tsv file example]} p="tsv file example" echo "import file ${projects[$p]} ..." if curl -fs --write-out "%{redirect_url}\n" \ --form project-file="@${projects[$p]}" \ --form project-name="${p}" \ --form format="text/line-based/*sv" \ --form options='{ "encoding": "UTF-8", "separator": "\t" }' \ "${endpoint}/command/core/create-project-from-upload$(refine_csrf)" \ > "${workdir}/${p}.id" then log "imported ${projects[$p]} as ${p}" else error "import of ${projects[$p]} failed!" fi refine_store "${p}" "${workdir}/${p}.id" || error "import of ${p} failed!" echo # -------------------- IMPORT MULTIPLE FILES (PARALLEL) ---------------------- # # project ids will be stored in ${projects[another csv example]} etc. ps=( "csv file example" "another csv example" "yet another csv example" ) echo "import files" \ "$(for p in "${ps[@]}"; do printf "%s" "${projects[$p]} "; done)..." for p in "${ps[@]}"; do (if curl -fs --write-out "%{redirect_url}\n" \ --form project-file="@${projects[$p]}" \ --form project-name="${p}" \ --form format="line-based" \ --form options='{ "encoding": "UTF-8", "separator": "," }' \ "${endpoint}/command/core/create-project-from-upload$(refine_csrf)" \ > "${workdir}/${p}.id" then log "imported ${projects[$p]} as ${p}" else error "import of ${projects[$p]} failed!" fi) & monitor "${p}" done monitoring for p in "${ps[@]}"; do refine_store "${p}" "${workdir}/${p}.id" || error "import of ${p} failed!" done echo # ================================ TRANSFORM ================================= # checkpoint "Transform"; echo # ------------------------ APPLY OPERATIONS FROM FILE ------------------------ # p="csv file example" f="input/example-operations-history.json" echo "apply ${f} to ${p}..." if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data-urlencode operations@"${f}" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/apply-operations$(refine_csrf)" > /dev/null then log "transformed ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "transform ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ---------------------- APPLY OPERATIONS FROM HEREDOC ----------------------- # # quoted heredoc ("JSON") will not be expanded by bash (no escaping needed) p="csv file example" echo "add column apply-from-heredoc to ${p}..." if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data-urlencode "operations@-" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/apply-operations$(refine_csrf)" > /dev/null \ << "JSON" [ { "op": "core/column-addition", "engineConfig": { "mode": "row-based" }, "newColumnName": "apply-from-heredoc", "columnInsertIndex": 2, "baseColumnName": "b", "expression": "grel:value.replace('2','TEST')", "onError": "set-to-blank" } ] JSON then log "transformed ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "transform ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ---------------- APPLY OPERATIONS FROM HEREDOC AND VARIABLES --------------- # # unquoted heredocs with variable and multi-line expression (requires jq) # \ must be used to quote the characters \, $, and `. p="csv file example" replace='TEST' column="apply with variables" echo "add column ${column} to ${p}..." read -r -d '' expression << EXPRESSION grel:value.replace( '2', '${replace}' ) EXPRESSION if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data-urlencode "operations@-" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/apply-operations$(refine_csrf)" > /dev/null \ << JSON [ { "op": "core/column-addition", "engineConfig": { "mode": "row-based" }, "newColumnName": "${column}", "columnInsertIndex": 2, "baseColumnName": "b", "expression": $(echo "${expression}" | ${jq} -s -R '.'), "onError": "set-to-blank" } ] JSON then log "transformed ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "transform ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ------ APPLY OPERATIONS FROM HEREDOC TO MULTIPLE PROJECTS (PARALLEL) ------ # # quoted heredoc ("JSON") will not be expanded by bash (no escaping needed) ps=( "another csv example" "yet another csv example" ) echo "add column apply-from-heredoc to" "${ps[@]}" "..." for p in "${ps[@]}"; do (if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data-urlencode "operations@-" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/apply-operations$(refine_csrf)" > /dev/null \ << "JSON" [ { "op": "core/column-addition", "engineConfig": { "mode": "row-based" }, "newColumnName": "apply-from-heredoc", "columnInsertIndex": 2, "baseColumnName": "b", "expression": "grel:value.replace('2','TEST')", "onError": "set-to-blank" } ] JSON then log "transformed ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "transform ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi) & monitor "${p}" done monitoring echo # ------------- APPLY MULTIPLE OPERATIONS GENERATED FROM HEREDOC ------------- # # unquoted heredoc (JSON) with variables and multiplied (requires jq) # \ must be used to quote the characters \, $, and `. p="csv file example" columns=( "apply-from-file" "apply-from-heredoc" ) echo "delete columns" "${columns[@]}" "in ${p}..." for column in "${columns[@]}"; do cat << JSON >> "${workdir}/${p}.tmp" [ { "op": "core/column-removal", "columnName": "${column}" } ] JSON done if "${jq}" -s add "${workdir}/${p}.tmp" | curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data-urlencode operations@- \ "${endpoint}/command/core/apply-operations$(refine_csrf)" > /dev/null then log "transformed ${p} (${projects[$p]})" rm "${workdir}/${p}.tmp" else error "transform ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ================================== EXPORT ================================== # checkpoint "Export"; echo # ----------------------------- EXPORT TO STDOUT ----------------------------- # p="csv file example" format="tsv" echo "export ${p} in ${format} format..." if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data format="tsv" \ --data engine='{"facets":[],"mode":"row-based"}' \ "${endpoint}/command/core/export-rows" then log "exported ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "export of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ------------------------------ EXPORT TO FILE ------------------------------ # p="csv file example" format="csv" echo "export ${p} to ${format} file..." if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data format="${format}" \ --data engine='{"facets":[],"mode":"row-based"}' \ "${endpoint}/command/core/export-rows" \ > "${workdir}/${p}.${format}" then log "exported ${p} (${projects[$p]}) to ${workdir}/${p}.${format}" else error "export of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ------------------------- TEMPLATING EXPORT TO FILE ------------------------ # p="csv file example" format="json" echo "export ${p} to ${format} file using template..." IFS= read -r -d '' template << "TEMPLATE" { "a": {{cells['a'].value.jsonize()}}, "b": {{cells['b'].value.jsonize()}}, "c": {{cells['c'].value.jsonize()}} } TEMPLATE if echo "${template}" | head -c -2 | curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data format="template" \ --data prefix="[ " \ --data suffix=" ]" \ --data separator=", " \ --data engine='{"facets":[],"mode":"row-based"}' \ --data-urlencode template@- \ "${endpoint}/command/core/export-rows" \ > "${workdir}/${p}.${format}" then log "exported ${p} (${projects[$p]}) to ${workdir}/${p}.${format}" else error "export of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ------------------- EXPORT TO MULTIPLE FILES (PARALLEL) -------------------- # ps=( "another csv example" "yet another csv example" ) format="tsv" echo "export" "${ps[@]}" "to ${format} files..." for p in "${ps[@]}"; do (if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data format="${format}" \ --data engine='{"facets":[],"mode":"row-based"}' \ "${endpoint}/command/core/export-rows" \ > "${workdir}/${p}.${format}" then log "exported ${p} (${projects[$p]}) to ${workdir}/${p}.${format}" else error "export of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi) & monitor "${p}" done monitoring echo # ================================ UTILITIES ================================= # checkpoint "Utilities"; echo # ------------------------------ LIST PROJECTS ------------------------------- # # get all project metadata and reshape json to print a list (requires jq) echo "list projects..." if curl -fs --get \ "${endpoint}/command/core/get-all-project-metadata" \ | "${jq}" -r '.projects | keys[] as $k | "\($k): \(.[$k] | .name)"' then : #log "printed list of projects" else error "getting list of projects failed!" fi echo # ------------------------------- GET METADATA ------------------------------- # # get project metadata and reshape json to include project id (requires jq) p="csv file example" echo "metadata for ${p}..." if curl -fs --get \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/get-project-metadata" \ | "${jq}" "{ id: ${projects[$p]} } + ." then : #log "printed metadata of ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "getting metadata of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ------------------------------ GET ROW COUNT ------------------------------- # # get total number of rows p="csv file example" echo "total number of rows in ${p}..." if curl -fs --get \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ --data limit=0 \ "${endpoint}/command/core/get-rows" \ | tr "," "\n" | grep total | cut -d ":" -f 2 then : #log "printed row count of ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "getting row count of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ------------------------------- GET COLUMNS -------------------------------- # # get column names from project model (requires jq) p="csv file example" echo "column names of ${p}..." if curl -fs --get \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/get-models" \ | "${jq}" -r '.columnModel | .columns[] | .name' then : #log "printed column names of ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "getting column names of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # -------------------------- GET OPERATIONS HISTORY -------------------------- # # get operations history and reshape json to make it applicable (requires jq) p="csv file example" f="${workdir}/${p}_history.json" echo "history of operations for ${p}..." if curl -fs --get \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/get-operations" \ | "${jq}" '[ .entries[] | .operation ]' \ > "${f}" then log "saved ops history of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) to ${f}" else error "getting ops history of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ---------------------------- GET IMPORT HISTORY ---------------------------- # # get project metadata and filter import options history (requires jq) p="csv file example" echo "history of import for ${p}..." if curl -fs --get \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/get-project-metadata" \ | "${jq}" ".importOptionMetadata[0]" then : #log "printed import history of ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "getting import history of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ------------------------------ DELETE PROJECT ------------------------------ # # delete a project (rarely needed for batch processing) p="yet another csv example" echo "delete project ${p}..." if curl -fs \ --data project="${projects[$p]}" \ "${endpoint}/command/core/delete-project$(refine_csrf)" > /dev/null then log "deleted ${p} (${projects[$p]})" else error "deletion of ${p} (${projects[$p]}) failed!" fi echo # ================================== FINISH ================================== # checkpoint "Finish"; echo # stop OpenRefine server refine_stop; echo # calculate run time based on checkpoints checkpoint_stats; echo # word count on all files in workdir count_output