158 lines
7.2 KiB
158 lines
7.2 KiB
version: '3'
desc: Konvertierung von Alephino nach PICA3/CSV
DIR: '{{splitList ":" .TASK | first}}' # results in the task namespace, which is identical to the directory name
- task: refine-pre
vars: {PROJECT: leipzig}
- task: refine-pre
vars: {PROJECT: riesa}
- task: refine-main
dir: ./{{.DIR}}
label: '{{.TASK}}-{{.PROJECT}}'
DIR: '{{splitList ":" .TASK | first}}'
PORT: 3335 # assign a different port for each project
RAM: 8192M # maximum RAM for OpenRefine java heap space
LOG: '>(tee -a "log/{{.PROJECT}}.log") 2>&1'
- echo "{{now | date "2006-01-02 15:04:05"}} {{.PROJECT}}"
- task: :start # launch OpenRefine
vars: {DIR: '{{.DIR}}/log', PROJECT: '{{.PROJECT}}', PORT: '{{.PORT}}', RAM: '{{.RAM}}'}
- > # Import Titel
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}}
--create "$(readlink -m input/{{.PROJECT}}-titel.txt)"
--format fixed-width
--encoding UTF-8
--columnWidths 5
--skipDataLines 0
--storeBlankRows false
--projectName titel
> {{.LOG}}
- > # Import Exemplare
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}}
--create "$(readlink -m input/{{.PROJECT}}-exemplare.txt)"
--format fixed-width
--encoding UTF-8
--columnWidths 5
--skipDataLines 0
--storeBlankRows false
--projectName exemplare
> {{.LOG}}
- | # Titel: Korrekturen Einzelfälle
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-einzelfaelle.json > {{.LOG}}
- | # Prefix M bzw. E für Feldnamen
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-prefix.json > {{.LOG}}
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} exemplare --apply config/pre/exemplare-prefix.json > {{.LOG}}
- | # Datensätze und Feldnamen sortieren
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-sortieren.json > {{.LOG}}
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} exemplare --apply config/pre/exemplare-sortieren.json > {{.LOG}}
- | # Mehrfachbelegungen zusammenführen
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-mehrfachbelegungen.json > {{.LOG}}
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} exemplare --apply config/pre/exemplare-mehrfachbelegungen.json > {{.LOG}}
- | # Felder löschen
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-loeschen.json > {{.LOG}}
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} exemplare --apply config/pre/exemplare-loeschen.json > {{.LOG}}
- | # Transponieren
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-transponieren.json > {{.LOG}}
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} exemplare --apply config/pre/exemplare-transponieren.json > {{.LOG}}
- | # Titel-ID separieren
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-id-separieren.json > {{.LOG}}
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} exemplare --apply config/pre/exemplare-id-separieren.json > {{.LOG}}
- | # Titel: Exemplare anreichern
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel --apply config/pre/titel-anreichern.json > {{.LOG}}
- mkdir -p output
- > # Export
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} titel
--output "$(readlink -m output/{{.PROJECT}}.tsv)"
> {{.LOG}}
- | # print allocated system resources
PID="$(lsof -t -i:{{.PORT}})"
echo "used $(($(ps --no-headers -o rss -p "$PID") / 1024)) MB RAM" > {{.LOG}}
echo "used $(ps --no-headers -o cputime -p "$PID") CPU time" > {{.LOG}}
- task: :kill # shut down OpenRefine immediately to save time and disk space
vars: {DIR: '{{.DIR}}/log', PORT: '{{.PORT}}'}
- task: :check # check OpenRefine log for any warnings and exit on error
vars: {DIR: '{{.DIR}}'}
- input/{{.PROJECT}}.imp
- config/pre/**
- output/{{.PROJECT}}.tsv
ignore_error: true # workaround to avoid an orphaned Java process on error https://github.com/go-task/task/issues/141
dir: ./{{.DIR}}
DIR: '{{splitList ":" .TASK | first}}'
PROJECT: alephino
PORT: 3335 # assign a different port for each project
RAM: 8192M # maximum RAM for OpenRefine java heap space
LOG: '>(tee -a "log/{{.PROJECT}}.log") 2>&1'
- echo "{{now | date "2006-01-02 15:04:05"}} {{.PROJECT}}"
- task: :start # launch OpenRefine
vars: {DIR: '{{.DIR}}/log', PROJECT: '{{.PROJECT}}', PORT: '{{.PORT}}', RAM: '{{.RAM}}'}
- > # Zip-Archiv mit Output der Vorverarbeitung erstellen
zip -j tmp.zip
- > # Import Zip-Archiv
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}}
--create "$(readlink -m tmp.zip)"
--format tsv
--includeFileSources true
--projectName {{.PROJECT}}
> {{.LOG}}
&& rm tmp.zip
- > # Spalten sortieren: Beginnen mit 1. M|001, 2. E|001, 3. File; damit Records-Mode erhalten bleibt
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} {{.PROJECT}} --apply config/main/sortieren.json > {{.LOG}}
- > # Bibliothekskürzel aus Import-Dateiname
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} {{.PROJECT}} --apply config/main/file.json > {{.LOG}}
- > # spec_A_E_01: Signatur 7100a
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} {{.PROJECT}} --apply config/main/7100a.json > {{.LOG}}
# - > # TODO: Spalte 2199 muss vorne stehen, weil für Sortierung benötigt
- > # spec_Z_04: PPN anreichern über ISBN
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} {{.PROJECT}} --apply config/ppn.json > {{.LOG}}
- > # spec_Z_05: Exemplare clustern
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} {{.PROJECT}} --apply config/clustern.json > {{.LOG}}
- mkdir -p output
- > # Export dubletter Barcodes; golang requires strange escaping https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17641887/how-do-i-escape-and-delimiters-in-go-templates/17642427#17642427
--output "$(readlink -m output/barcodes.txt)"
--template "{{"{{"}}forNonBlank(cells['8200'].value, v, v + '\n', ''){{"}}"}}"
--rowSeparator ""
> {{.LOG}}
- > # spec_Z_06: Dublette Barcodes löschen
"$CLIENT" -P {{.PORT}} {{.PROJECT}} --apply config/dedup.json > {{.LOG}}
- > # Export als PICA+
--output "$(readlink -m output/{{.PROJECT}}.txt)"
--template "$(< config/template.txt)"
--rowSeparator ""
> {{.LOG}}
- | # print allocated system resources
PID="$(lsof -t -i:{{.PORT}})"
echo "used $(($(ps --no-headers -o rss -p "$PID") / 1024)) MB RAM" > {{.LOG}}
echo "used $(ps --no-headers -o cputime -p "$PID") CPU time" > {{.LOG}}
- task: :stop # shut down OpenRefine and archive the OpenRefine project
vars: {DIR: '{{.DIR}}/log', PROJECT: '{{.PROJECT}}', PORT: '{{.PORT}}'}
- task: :check # check OpenRefine log for any warnings and exit on error
vars: {DIR: '{{.DIR}}'}
- output/*.tsv
- config/main/**
- log/{{.PROJECT}}.openrefine.tar.gz
# - output/{{.PROJECT}}.csv
ignore_error: true # workaround to avoid an orphaned Java process on error https://github.com/go-task/task/issues/141
default: # enable standalone execution (running `task` in project directory)
- DIR="${PWD##*/}:main" && cd .. && task "$DIR"